Betting And Gaming Levy (Amendment) |
ACT, NO.40 OF 1988
BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka as follows: –
Short title.
1. This act may be cited as the Betting and Gaming Levy
(Amendment) Act, No. 14 of 2006.
Amendment of
Schedule to Act,
No. 40 of 1988.
2. The Betting and Gaming Levy Act, No.40 of 1988 as
last amended by Act, No.9 of 2005 is hereby further amended
in the Schedule to such Act, by the repeal of PART I thereof
and the substitution therefor of the following: –
The amount of the levy payable by a person carrying on
the business of bookmaker for every year specified in
Column I hereto, shall be equivalent to the amount specified
in the corresponding entry in Column II hereto –
Column I |
Column II
Year |
Amount of Levy |
1. For every year commencing
on or after April 1, 1988, but
prior to April 1, 2001.
one hundred thousand
2. For every year commencing
on or after April 1, 2001, but
prior to April 1, 2002.
one million rupees.
3. For every year commencing
on or after April 1, 2002, but
prior to April 1, 2005 –
(i) where live telecast
facilities are used in
carrying on business. |
thirty thousand rupees. |
(ii) where live telecast
facilities are not used in
carrying on the business. |
ten thousand rupees. |
4. For every year commencing
on or after April 1, 2005 but
prior to April 1, 2006 for
betting business done – |
(i) through Agents.
one million rupees. |
(ii) by the use of live telecast
facilities in carrying on
the business. |
two hundred and fifty
thousand rupees. |
(iii) where live telecast
facilities are not used in
carrying on the business. |
twenty five thousand
rupees. |
5. For every year commencing
on or after April 1, 2006 for
betting business done – |
(i) through Agents. |
one million rupees. |
(ii) where live telecast
facilities are used in
carrying on the business. |
three hundred thousand
rupees. |
(iii) where live telecast
facilities are not used in
carrying on the business. |
fifty thousand rupees.” |
Sinhala text to
prevail in case of
3. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala
and Tamil texts of this text, the Sinhala text shall prevail.