
There are many instances in law where a party is obliged to take acertain step subject to approval by a Court or by any person who isvested with the authority to approve or reject it as irregular. In allthese instances a power to reject necessarily implies a power to approve;for, the step so taken will be considered valid only if it is not rejectedoh some ground of non-compliance with an. essential requirement. Insuch cases, once the step is approved, such a step will be deemed to havebeen so taken on the date on which it is taken and not on the day it isapproved.• *
For the above reasons, I think that the learned District Judge was inerror in holding that the addition was prejudicial, to the party proposedto be added, in a plea of prescription. I accordingly set aside this ordermade by the learned District Judge on the 5th September, 1969, and
make order allowing the application to add the respondent as a party.
• – * * ^
The appellant is entitled to the costs of this appeal as well- as to halfthe costs incurred in the lower Court in respect of the application to addthe respondent as a defendant.
Dehekagoda, J.—I'agree.
Order set aside.