FERNANDO, P.—Sothilingam v. The Queen
[In the Coubt of Appeal of Sbi Lanka]
1972 Present: Fernando, P„ Samerawlckrame, J., and
Siva Supramaniam, J.
E. SOTHILINGAM and another, Applicants, and THE QUEEN,
A. Applications 48-49 of 1972—C. C. A. No. 93-95/69S. C. 16/68—M. C. Mannar, 4245
Court oj Appeal—Applications Jot leave to appeal—Long delag in presenting them—Competency of Registrar to refuse to entertain the applications.
Where the Registrar of the Court of Appeal made order refusing to entertaincertain applications for leavo to appeal to the Court of Appeal which werepresented nearly seventeen months after the rolevant date—
Reid, that, having regard to the Rules of the Court of Appeal, the order of theRegistrar was ontiroly competent and quite proper.
APPLICATIONS in respect of an order made by the Registrarof the Court of Appeal.
3. Sinnathamby, for the applicants.
Kenneth Seneviratne, Senior State Counsel, for the respondent.
October 26, 1972. Febnando, P.—
These applications come before this Court by way of a motion statingthat the applicants are aggrieved by an order of the Registrar refusing toentertain their applications for leave to appeal to this Court. Themotion is in effect an appeal against the order of the Registrar.
The appeals of the applicants to the Court of Criminal Appeal weredismissed 60 long ago as 19th March 1970. The applications to thisCourt have been presented only on the 11th August 1972.
Having regard to our Rules, it is quite clear that the order of theRegistrar was entirely competent and, in our opinion, quite proper.Submissions have been made by Counsel on behalf of the applicantsthat we Bhould act in the larger interests of Justice, but we have nolittle difficulty in understanding what he meant to convey thereby.While we have in our Rules set down a period of 21 days from the date ofthe judgment appealed against as the period within which an applicant
Volume LXXV
PrematUleke v. The Republic of Sri Lanka
muBt come before this Court, to request us to entertain an applicationpresented nearly seventeen months after the relevant date is whollyunreasonable.
These applications will stand rejected.
Applicaticms rejected.