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1897. In the Matter of the Petition of Mr. KRISTNARATNE, a Proctor of
January 15. the District Court of Colombo, for a Transfer of his Warrant
to practise in the District Court of Anuradhapura.
Proctor—Application for transfer of warrant—Proper procedure-^
Ordinance No. 12 of 1848, s. 1.
T h e proper application t o b e m a d e b y a person enrolled as a
proctor of one District Court, b u t w h o is des’rous of practising in
another, is n o t for a transfer of his warrant t o the latter Court
but for admission as proctor of such Court.
r I “TIE following order was made by LAWRIE, J., on the 15th
January, 1897, on the application of the above-named
applicant for a transfer of his warrant to practise as a proctor from
the District Court of Colombo to that of Anuradhapura :—
This is a petition praying that this Court’ may be pleased to
allow the petitioner a transfer of his warrant from the District
Court of Colombo to the District Court of Anuradhapura. I
understand that the only warrant he holds is that in Table C of
No. 12 of 1848—a certificate that he is enrolled as a proctor in the
District Court of Colombo and authorized to practise as such
therein. Thefirst-sectionof the Ordinance No. 12 of 1848 provides
that ” any person duly admitted a proctor in any Court of the Island
” be afterwards admitted a proctor in any other Court thereof, the
” latter admission shall be free of stamp duty.” It seems to me
that the prayer for a transfer of a warrant is not in form, that the
petition should be for admission to be proctor in the District
Court of Anuradhapura. I am prepared-to recommend that the
petitioner be admitted to practise in Anuradhapura on his
returning to the Registrar the certificate formally granted to him.