A. 691/88(F)
C. COLOMBO 86573/MOCTOBER 28, 1998NOVEMBER 12, 1998MARCH 04, 22, 23, 26, 29, 1999AUGUST 17. 1999OCTOBER 04, 1998
Contract ojEmployment – Binding contract between Bank and Employee- Wilfully or negligently or fraudulently acting in breach of contractualduties – Duty oj care on the part oj Employee – Is the Employee liablein damages for breach of any term oj his contract of employment?Claims in tort when parties are In contractual relationship
The Plaintiff Respondent Bank claimed that the Defendant Appellant inhis capacity as a Cashier paid a certain sum handed over to him by theBank to a party not legally entitled to such sum in any manner. The DistrictCourt entered Judgment in favour of the Plaintiff Respondent Bank.
Held :
The pure economic loss suffered by a claimant being a natural andprobable or indeed forseable type of harm arising from, the'breachof his agreement by the Defendant – Appellant, there is no doubt thatthe recovery of pure economic loss, is admissible in law.
Duty of care on the part of the employee became an implied term ofthe contract of employment. Whether the Bank’s cause of action layon tort or breach of contract the fact that the Defendant Appellant, theemployee owed a contractual duty of care to his master the PlaintiffRespondent Bank cannot be gainsaid?
A cashier is a trustee of the Banks money allotted to him at work. Hecannot be heard to say that he owed no duty to check on the genuinenessof a document placed before him for payment nor identifying properlythe person who calls before him for payment with such a document -the Defendant Appellant is duty bound to check on both.
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
(Wlgneswaran, J.)
"Remembering the genuine signatures and mentally comparing themwith the signature on documents presented before them are the specialskills which every Bank clerk is expected to clothe himself with."
"A very broad principle of liability based on an assumption ofresponsibility had been established after the decision in Hedly Byrne'scase and that this principle suggested a very considerable overlapbetween the tort of negligence and liability in contract between partiesto contracts."
APPEAL from the Judgment of the District Court of Colombo.
Cases referred to :
Henderson v. Merett Syndicate Ltd., – 1995 2 AL 145
Taltting Cotton Mill Ltd., u. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd., – 1986 AC 80
Banque Keyser Ullmann S. A. v. Skandia (UK) Co. Insurance Ltd.,
– 1990 1 QB 665
Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd., v. Heller and Partners Ltd., – 1904 AC 465
Burrows 1995 CLP 103, 118
Siththamparanathan v. Peoples Bank 1986 1 SLR 414-415
Bank of Ceylon v. Manioasagasivam (1995) 2 SLR 79, 83
Falz Musthapa P.C.. with S. Mahenthlran, R. Surendran, R.
Balasubramaniam for Defendant Appellant.
S. Slvarasa P.C.. with Shammll Perera, Arul Selvaratnam and S. C.
Crosette Thambiah for Plaintiff Respondent.
Cur. adu. vult.
November 29, 2000.
WIGNESWARAN. J.The Plaintiff – Respondent Bank filed this action for therecovery of a sum of Rs. 32875/45 with interest and costs againstthe Defendant – Appellant, who was its employee. The Bankclaimed that the Appellant in his capacity as a cashier of thePlaintiff Bank paid on 01. 09. 1981 the said sum out of themoneys handed over to him by the Bank, to a party not legallyentitled to such sum in any manner. The Additional DistrictJudge, Colombo, after trial, by judgment dated 21. 03. 1988held in favour of the Respondent Bank. This appeal is against
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the said judgment. The Respondent Bank has also filed papersunder Sections 772 and 758 of the Civil Procedure Codeobjecting to the judgment and decree entered.
The learned President's Counsel on behalf of the Defendant- Appellant submitted that the Defendant – Appellant, a newentrant to service, was not responsible for the irregular paymentand that the Plaintiff – Respondent Bank was solely responsiblefor it. The question of law urged was
that if the Plaintiff was to fail in his action in Contract hecannot succeed in Tort. The rejection of the Plaintiffs evidenceby Court, it was pointed out, was on the basis of contract.
Broadly the questions of fact and evidence urged by thelearned President's Counsel for the Defendant – Appellant areas follows
In the light of issues 10 and 11 being answered as "notproved" the Additional District Judge could not have answeredissues 2(a), 2(b), 4 and 5 in the affirmative.
In the light of issue No. 7 being answered as "not established"issue Nos. 2(a), 2(b), 3, 4, 5 and 8 could not have been heldagainst the Defendant – Appellant.
The Court could not have held that the Plaintiff was notobliged to inform certain practices and instructions of thePlaintiff Bank to the Defendant Officer.
Issue Nos. 14 to 20 have not been answered.
The Plaintiff did not call the person who prepared the voucheror the person in whose custody the "Pay Cash" seal was,nor produce all the vouchers paid out by the Defendant on01. 09. 1981.
The Court having found the Bank negligent and acting inan irresponsible manner could not have ordered the Defendantto pay the amount claimed.
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
(Wlgneswaran, J.)
The Plaintiff – Respondent Bank in their statement ofobjections to the judgment and decree appealed against by theDefendant – Appellant, inter alia, stated as follows:-
Issue No. 7 had not been answered.
Issue 6 and/or 16 should have been answered in favour ofthe Plaintiff – Respondent.
Issue Nos. 10 and 11 should not have been answered as"not proved".
The Judge erred in holding that the Plaintiff Bank and itsofficers were inefficient.
The Judge erred in denying the Plaintiff – Respondent legalinterest on the decreetal amount and costs.
It appears that this is a case where both parties have foundthe learned District Judge's evaluation of evidence and answeringof issues wanting. Under the circumstances a review of the issuesrecorded, the evidence led and the answers given by the Judgebecomes necessary.
The issues recorded on 11.09. 1984 and the answers givenby the learned District Judge as per judgment dated 21.03. 1988according to translations tendered are as follows:-
Plaintiffs issues
Did the Defendant as a Cashier of the Plaintiff Bank on01.09. 1981 pay a sum of Rs. 32, 875/45 out of the moneysgiven to him by the Plaintiff, to a person who had no rightwhatsoever to receive that money?
Answer: Yes.
In terms of his contract of service with the Plaintiff, was theDefendant obliged
(a) Not to make internal debit payments except uponinternal voucher forms signed by duly authorised officersof the Plaintiff and except on the instructions and usagesstated in paragraph 5 of the plaint and/or.
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(b) Was the Defendant obliged not to make any paymentsto unknown persons or persons whose identity was notknown, without making any inquiries, out of the largesums of money given to the Defendant by the Plaintiff?
Answer (a) and/or (b): Yes.
If the answer to issues No. 1 and 2(a) and/or 2(b) are answeredin the affirmative has the Defendant made the said paymentof Rs. 32,875/45 contrary to the duty cast by the saidagreement.
Answer: Yes.
Was the Defendant obliged by duty –
To act with responsibility and not pay money to anunknown or unfamiliar person and
Not make internal payments except on internal voucherssigned by duly authorised officers of the Plaintiff and interms of the aforesaid instructions and usages set outin paragraph 5 of the plaint and be responsible to thePlaintiff in respect of moneys entrusted to the Defendant?
Answer: Yes.
If issues No. 1 and 4 are answered in the affirmative has theDefendant paid the said sum of Rs. 32,875/45 in breach ofthe said duty?
Answer: Yes.
Did the Defendant appropriate the sum of Rs. 32,875/45out of the moneys entrusted to him on 01. 09. 1981?
Answer: Yes.
Did the Defendant pay the said sum of Rs. 32,875/45 on01. 09. 1981 upon an internal voucher
(a) said to have been signed by two officers of the Bank,but both of which were forged signatures, and
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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(b) which signatures were not in usual forms and ex faciecontaining several irregularities?
Answer: Not proved that the Defendant received the saidmoney
If issue No. 7 is answered in the affirmative has the Defendantacted negligently and/or carelessly and/or fraudulently?
Answer: The Defendant has acted negligently and carelessly.
If issue No. 1 and any of the issues 3. 5. 6 or 8 are answeredin the affirmative is the Plaintiff entitled to recover the saidsum of Rs. 32,875/45 and legal interest from 01. 09. 1981from the Defendant?
Answer: The Plaintiff can recover only a sum of Rs.32,875/45from the Defendant
Defendant's issues
Did the Plaintiff give or cause to give the instructions set outin paragraphs 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) of the plaint to the Defendantand/or to other pay Clerks?
Answer: Not proved.
Did the Plaintiff inform or cause to be known the procedureset out in paragraphs 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) in makingpayments relating to internal debit vouchers?
Answer: Not proved.
Was the Plaintiff obliged to inform the matters stated in issueNos. 1 and 2 to the Pay Officers?
Answer: No.
Did the Plaintiff at any time give the Defendant the specimensignatures of the Officers authorised to sign internal debitvouchers?
Answer: No
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If the answers to issue numbers 1,2 and 4 are "No" and theanswer to issue No. 13 is ’Yes" has the Plaintiff failed totake precautions in sufficient time to avoid making wrongfulpayments?
Answer: Does not arise.
If the answer to issue No. 14 is ’Yes" can the Plaintiff haveand maintain this action?
Answer: Does not arise.
(a) Did the Internal Debit Voucher marked P3 ex facie
appear to be genuine and authorised?
(b) Did the Defendant have reasons to suspect the signaturesof those 2 persons who had signed them?
Answer: (a) and (b) not necessary to answer owingto answers given to Plaintiff’s issues.
If the answer to issue No. 16(a) is Yes" and that for issueNo. 16(b) is "No", then has the Defendant acted properlyand bona fide?
Answer: Does not arise
If the answer to issue No. 17 is Yes" can the Plaintiff haveand maintain this action?
Answer: Does not arise.
Was it the established practice for the Cashier to makepayment to the person who produces the Internal DebitVoucher if it appeared to be genuine and authorised?
Answer: Not necessary to answer.
If the answer to issue No. 19 is Yes", can the Plaintiff haveand maintain this action?
Answer: Does not arise."
This was a case in which the Plaintiff – Respondent Bankled the evidence of two witnesses and marked PI to P21 while
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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the Defendant – Appellant depended solely on his own evidence.He had no documents to mark, no witnesses to call.
Briefly the facts are as follows:-
The Defendant-Appellant was employed as Clerk/Cashier/Machinist by the Plaintiff-Respondent Bank on 10. 11. 1980.His conditions of service were set out in PI and P2. Thereafterhe was sent to a training school for training for one month. (Videpage 244 of the Brief). Prior to joining the Bank he had been anAudit Trainee at Messrs Sambamoorthy & Co.
The incident in question happened on 01. 09. 1981 about9 months after joining the Bank. The Defendant – Appellantwas still in his probationary period of service.
On 01. 09. 1981 the Defendant – Appellant served at aPaying Counter where cash was paid only for internal vouchers.Payment on internal vouchers had to be approved by theAccountant and another Senior Officer. Internal voucher dated01. 09. 1981 marked P3 was produced before the Defendant -Appellant and he paid a sum of Rs. 32875/45 on the saidvoucher. Thereafter the Bank found that P3 was a fraudulentdocument. The two signatures in green and red thereon werenot the signatures of the Manager nor Accountant nor any otherOfficer of the Bank. The account number thereon was not anaccount number of the Bank. The payee's name was mentionedas "T. Wimalaratne" who was not a person known to the Bank.
In the normal course of business the Defendant – Appellantwas expected to find out on receipt of the internal paymentvoucher whether it had been duly approved, by examiningwhether it had been signed by authorised Officers. He shouldthen have inquired whether the transaction mentioned had beendone in relation to the Bank in which he worked. Thereafter heshould have examined the reverse of the voucher to ascertainwhether the payee's signature had been duly identified bysomeone authorised to do so. In this instance – the payee had
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not been identified bv anyone. Upto the date of payment on P3the Defendant – Appellant had not paid such a large sum earlier.The Bank therefore expected that he should have taken specialprecautions before payment.
The Bank marked P8 and P9 dated 25. 08. 1981 signedby the Defendant – Appellant to the effect that he had seen P8and P9, which two documents laid down routine proceduralsteps to be taken with regard to payments. Inter alia. P8requested the staff members to exercise extreme care in handlingcheques for large amounts. Apart from P8 and P9 it was statedthat personal instructions had been given to the Defendant -Appellant regarding the precautionary steps that had to be takenwith regard to payments. It was also contended by the Bankthat the Defendant – Appellant would have known the signatureof the Manager of his Branch (City Oificel since the Managersigned P8 and P9 and the Defendant – Appellant had seen P8and P9 only a few days earlier. If he had doubts he was expectedto consult his Senior Officer seated close to him.
The Defendant – Appellant contended that he sincerelybelieved that the payment was due on the internal debit voucherand that he had no reason to think that the person to whompayment was made was not entitled to the said payment. Hefurther pointed out that (i) no specimen signatures of Officersauthorised to sign interned debit notes were provided; (ii) theBank had not given necessary instructions to prevent paymentsof the nature made; (iii) adequate security measures had notbeen made in this regard; (iv) that some person or persons whoknew that the Defendant – Appellant lacked experience inattending to internal debit notes may have fraudulently arrangedfor such payment to be made and (v) in any event the Bank wasguilty of contributory negligence.
The Bank submitted in reply that circulars setting out thenames of authorised Officers and their respective signatures werenever given to the staff for security reasons. Even in other Bankssuch a step was not taken because it could give room to cashiers
Jayamohan o. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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to practice the specimen signatures and misuse them. It waspointed out that the signatures on P3 seen with the naked eyedid not at all resemble the signatures of the Officers it purportedto be. It was further pointed out that before an Officer makespayment he should satisfy himself that the payment was a lawfulinternal debit. He should also satisfy himself as to the identityof the person who presents the voucher. This procedure hadcontinuously been carried out as a matter of routine thoughthere was no written document stating such procedure. It wasalso said that as a matter of routine when payments exceededRs. 5000/- either the Accountant or one of the AssistantAccountants would normally go and inform the cashier at theappropriate counter (R6) to pay the sum (Vide page 132 of theBrief).
All these matters will now be examined in the light of theanswers to issues given by the learned Additional District Judge.
The basic questions that should have been in the forefrontof the learned Additional District Judge's judicial considerationin the background of the issues framed were
Was there a binding contract between the Plaintiff and theDefendant? If so, was the Defendant aware of his contractualduties?
Did the Defendant act either willfully or negligently orfraudulently in breach of his contractual duties?
A review of the evidence in this regard would presently beundertaken referring to the question of law raised by the Counselfor the Defendant-Appellant in the course of such review andthereafter to the issues of fact.
PI was the contract of employment. The Defendant -Appellant admitted signing PI. (Vide page 295 of the Brief). Atpage 79 of the Brief certain clauses in page 2 of PI appear asfollows:-
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"You should carry out all orders given to you by theManaging Director of the Bank or any other officer of the Bankor any person authorised by the Bank in that behalf andfailure to carry out any such orders shall be regarded asinsubordination or neglect of duty, as the case may be. onyour part.
You should devote yourself exclusively to the duties ofyour office and truly, diligently, fully, faithfully, honestly andcarefully in every respect serve the Bank and execute andperform and discharge the duties and obligations which shallfrom time to time devolve on you in regard to the business ofthe Bank and apply and devote your whole time, energy andattention to the business and affairs of the Bank."
Further down at the bottom of page 79 of the Brief, PI statesas follows
"The Bank reserves the right to discontinue your servicesat any time on the expiry of one month's notice to you or onpaying you one month's salary in lieu of such notice.
It is a condition of your service that you will renderyourself liable to immediate dismissal or discontinuance fromthe service of the Bank without previous notice –
If in the opinion of the Management of the Bank, you havecommitted any breach of the conditions of your service orany act of misconduct, recklessness, neglect of duty,insubordination, insobriety, gambling, wagering, theft,criminal misappropriation, fraud, dishonesty or such otheroffences or any act which renders you unsuitable forretention in the service of the Bank;
tf by any act or omission on your part whether in relationto your employment upon your accepting this appointmentor otherwise you suffer the loss of the confidence of theManagement of the Bank in your capacityfor work or yourintegrity.
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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if you disclose to any person any of the dealings or affairs
of the Bank or its customers.”
The words "truly", "diligently1', "fully", "faithfully", "honestly",and "carefully” were not empty words inserted into the documentof contract of service, PI. They constituted express terms in theDefendant – Appellant's contract of employment. By these terms"duty of care" on the part of the employee became an impliedterm of the contract of employment. Whether the Plaintiff Bank'scause of action lay in tort or breach of contract, the fact that theDefendant – Appellant, the employee, owed a contractual dutyof care to his master, the Plaintiff – Respondent Bank, cannotbe gainsaid.
Chitty on Contracts [TNventy Eighth Edition(1999) – Vol. II(Specific Contracts)] at page 907, paragraph "39 – 192" statesas follows
"The employee may be held liable in damages for thebreach of any term of his contract of employment, whetherexpress or implied, such as by hisfailure to use due care andskill. The employer is entitled to damages for thoseconsequences which might reasonably be expected to havebeen in the contemplation of the parties (at the time whenthe contract of employment was made) as likely to resultfromthe breach".
The present action was filed for the recovery of the actualeconomic loss – meaning the ascertainable immediate damagessustained by the Bank. The relevancy of the abovesaid referencefrom Chitty lies in the principle enunciated with regard to liability.
In discussing the development of the law with regard to therelationship between Contract and Tort in the filing of actionsat pages 38 and 39 of the TWenty Eighth Edition (Vol. I) (1999),Chitty on Contracts has the following to state
"Where the constituent elements of a claimant's case arecapable of being put either in terms of a claim in tort or for
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breach of contract, the general rule is that the claimant maychoose on which basis to proceed, though this rule is subjectto a number of qualifications, notably where to do so wouldbe Inconsistent with the terms of the contract. This traditionalposition was clearly affirmed by the House of Lords in theimportant decision Henderson v. Merrett Syndicates Ltdm.which drew to close the uncertainty on this point caused by adictum of Lord Scarman in the Privy Council in 1985 in Tai
Hing Cotton Mill Ltd, v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltdt2>
"This dictum (of Lord Scarman) appeared to favour theexclusion of claims in tort where the parties were in acontractual relationship, though the context of its acceptanceby later Courts was typically the denial of liability of recoveryof pure economic loss in the tort of negligence (e. g. BanqueKeyser Ullmann S. A. v. Skandia (U.K) Co. Insurance Ltd'3'.However, paradoxically, the House of Lords' decision on thenature and ambit of the tortious liability to be found on thefacts before it in Henderson c. Marrett SyndicatesLtd. (Supra) created new and very considerable uncertaintyas regards the relationship of contractual and tortious claimsbetween parties to a contract. For, it accepted that its ownearlier decision in Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller andPartners Ltd141 should be interpreted as establishing a "broadprinciple" of liability in tortious negligence based on thedefendant's assumption of responsibility, an assumptionwhich would appear to be satisfied whenever a party to acontract either possessing or holding himself out as possessinga special skill agrees to perform a servicefor the other party."
It was said by Lord Goff of Chieveley in Henderson's casethat a very broad principle of liability based on an "assumptionof responsibility" had been established after the decision inHedley Byrne's case and that this principle suggested a veryconsiderable overlap between the tort of negligence and liabilityin contract between parties to contracts Page 46 – Chitty onContracts – Vol. 1 (28th Edition): vide also Burrows151
Thus pure economic loss suffered by a claimant being anatural and probable or indeed foreseeable type of harm arising
Jayamohan v. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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from the breach of his agreement by the Defendant there is nodoubt that the recovery of pure economic loss, as in this case, isadmissible in law. The Plaintiff in this case has not asked forunspecified damages. It has claimed only the loss suffered by itdue to the alleged irresponsibility on the part of the Defendantwhich amounted to a breach of the contract between the parties.
The fact that the Defendant – Appellant had committed abreach of his contractual and/or tortious duties was admittedby him during cross-examination at pages 330 and 331 of theBrief when he answered his questions as follows:-
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It is in the light of such evidence that the learned AdditionalDistrict Judge should have examined the issues. Instead anattitude of approbation and reprobation on the learned Judge’spart has no doubt confused both sides.
There is no doubt that the internal debit voucher (P3) wasforged. The Defendant – Appellant himself admitted it. (Vide page367 of the Brief). That meant the signatures of Officers said tohave signed within the "Pay Cash" stamp were not those ofwitnesses Wijetillake and Wijesekera who gave evidence nor anyother Senior Officers in the Branch. In addition the signatureson P3 were ex-facie dissimilar to the signatures of those whopurported to sign same. Further, the payee mentioned on theinternal debit voucher. "T. Wimalaratne", was not a person towhom the Plaintiff – Respondent Bank owed any money.
There were three alternatives as to what took place at thetime of payment. They were
Either the Defendant – Appellant knew that P3 was a forgeryand yet fraudulently paid on a forged internal debit voucher,or
did not take sufficient care to check the signatures, andprecautions to ensure that the payment was due, speciallybecause the amount was large, but recklessly and negligentlypaid on the voucher, or
checked the signatures and found them to be genuine andin order and therefore bona fide made the payment.
The learned Additional District Judge was called upon todecide whether the act of the Defendant fell under (iii) above oreither of (i) and (ii). If he found that the Defendant's act did not
Jayamohan u. Hatton National Bank Ltd.
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fall under (ill) he was per force expected to grant the relief claimedin the prayer to the plaint since the claim was for the return ofthe actual economic loss sustained by the Bank and not for anyestimated unliquidated damages sustained by the Bankconsequently.
The following matters had to be considered by the learnedJudge in coming to his conclusion as to whether the Defendant- Appellant had acted reasonably and bona fide in terms of hiscontractual relationship with the Bank:-
A cashier attached to a Bank, by virtue of his responsiblepost, was expected to be careful and circumspective.(In any event vide terms mentioned in PI and P2).
He was expected to check on the genuineness of documentssent to him for payment. Whether the payment was internalor external the responsibility of ascertaining the genuinenessof documents presented, lay with the Counter Clerk. Thatwas his basic duty.
He was expected to ensure the identity of the person to whompayment was made. The Counter Clerk could not have saidthat he paid the person who brought the document withoutchecking his identity. That would have been a dereliction ofhis contractual duties.
(i) In this instance was the Defendant – Appellant careful andcircumspective?
The Defendant had with him PI 1, P12 and P13 at the timehe made payment on P3. The signature of witness Wijesekerawas on them (PI 1, P12 and P13). They were dealt with by theDefendant between 9 a.m. and 9.45 a.m. on that day itself beforeP3 was presented to him. (Vide pages 314 to 317 of the Brief).Defendant admitted at pages 328 and 329 as follows:-
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Mr. Musthapha raised the question as to whether it wasconceivable that a person who made payment would retain inhis memory the genuine signatures. Remembering the genuinesignatures and mentally comparing them with the signatures
Though the Defendant – Appellant tried to make out thathe came to know Mr. Wijetillake's signature only on 02. 09. 1981he had no doubt seen P8 and P9 on 25. 08. 1981 whereinMr. Wijetillake's signature had appeared. Mr. Wijetillake at page89 of the Brief stated as follows
He further admitted being very familiar with the signatureof Mr. Wikesekera at pages 332 and 333 of the Brief when heanswered as follows:-
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on documents presented before them are the special skills whichevery Bank Clerk is expected to clothe himself with. After ninemonths' service the Defendant – Appellant could be presumedto have obtained such skill.
So it appears that the Defendant – Appellant was familiaror should be deemed to have been familiar with the signaturesof Messrs. Wijetillake and Wijesekera when he paid on P3. Inany event Pll, PI2 and P13 were with him when he madepayment on P3. He admitted in evidence that the purportedsignature of Wijesekera on P3 was different. Furthermore Pll,P12 and PI3 did not have his signature in green ink as in P3.Mr. Wijesekera stated in evidence that he had never signed witha green ink pen. This should be seen in the light of Mr. Wijesekerasigning as Accountant in most of the 100 or so vouchers dealtwith by the Defendant – Appellant at Counter R6 in August 1981.FUrther in Pll, PI2 and P13 the name of the account to bedebited was given as "Charges A/c General" whereas in P3 itwas "General Charges A/c". There was no account in the saidBank called "General Charges A/c". (Vide last line of page 139 ofthe Brief)
All these matters (apart from the answers given by theDefendant – Appellant to the Inquiring Officer Mr. Vancuylenbergwhich are not referred to in this judgment) taken together withthe fact that the Defendant – Appellant did not know"T. Wimalaratne" and made no attempt to identify the payee onP3 nor the person who presented P3 for payment to him, coupledwith the fact that there was no signature of an authorised Officeron the reverse of P3 identifying the payee's signature and thatthe amount payable was much more than Rs. 5000/- wouldbring a Court to the conclusion that the Defendant – Appellantwas not careful nor circumspective.
(ii) and (iii) Genuineness of P3 and the identity of the payeeon P3
For the reasons mentioned hereto before, a Court would nodoubt conclude that the Defendant – Appellant did not checkon the genuineness of P3 as expected of him as an Officer of the
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Bank nor ensure identity of the person to whom payment wasmade on P3.
But the Defendant – Appellant took up the position that thecounter did not deal with encashment of cheques but paid oninternal vouchers to persons to whom the Bank owed money.The internal vouchers, it was argued, were issued to the relevantpersons by another Officer who should have been satisfied asto the identity of the payee and that there were dues from thePlaintiff – Respondent Bank to the payee concerned. It was alsoargued that the "Pay Cash" stamp was affixed by anotherresponsible Officer before it was brought to Counter R6. It wasthe contention of the Defendant – Appellant that there had beenno instructions whatsoever that identification should be obtainedat Counter R6. Even the mode of identity required beforepayment was never informed. Contrary instructions were given,it was said, only on the day after this incident viz. 02. 09. 1981.
In other words the Defendant – Appellant has argued thatit was his function only to dole out the money the moment aninternal voucher was placed before him. The contention is thatthe Bank had employed him and trained him to pay moneywithout ascertaining the identity of the payee nor the genuinenessof the document. If so. such instructions by the Bank shouldhave been produced. Otherwise it is reasonable to infer that theBank expected identity of payees and ascertainment of genuinenessof documents before payment on any voucher or cheque, internalor external. Not to infer so would make management of staff inany institution a nightmare. Every employee might scan the contractof employment and circulars distributed, to act prejudiciallytowards the employer under the cover of failure by employer togive specific instructions. Employee should not expect to bespoon fed at every step. If in doubt they certainly could consulttheir seniors or more experienced colleagues. Specially so withregard to Banks.
The Defendant – Appellant accepted receiving P8 and P9.He had in fact signed having read its contents (Vide P8(a) andP9(a)]. The Defendant – Appellant should have known after
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25. 08. 1981 that the Bank was expecting extreme care inhandling cheques for large amounts. Just because the paymentat Counter R6 dealt with internal vouchers it did not mean thatthe extreme care expected of an Officer in paying large amountsin any way got affected. It would be preposterous to argue thatRs. 32875/45 was not a large amount in 1981. In any event the. Defendant – Appellant had not paid such an amount earlier.Remembering the contents of P8 and P9 he should havechecked carefully the genuineness of P3 and the identity of theperson who tendered P3 to him. It is presumptious on the partof the Defendant – Appellant to say that the Plaintiff Bank hadtrained him and employed him at Counter R6 just to pay outthe money the moment an internal voucher was placed beforehim. No Court could admit such a submission on the part of aBank employee whether a "novice" or an "experienced senior".Utmost confidence and care is expected of any Officer employedin a Bank.
Justice Siva Selliah in Sithamparanathan v. PeoplesBank'6’
"It Is needless to emphasize that the utmost confidence Is
expected of any officer employed tn a Bankhe owes
a duty both to the Bank to preserve its fair name andintegrity and to the customer whose money lies in depositwith the Bank. Integrity and confidence thus areindispensable and where an officer has forfeited suchconfidence as has been shown up as being involved inany fraudulent or questionable transaction, both publicinterest and the interest of the Bank demand that heshould be removed from such confidence."
The aforesaid dictum was referred to with acceptanceby Chief Justice G. P. S. de Silva in Bank of Ceylon v.Manivasagasivam(7) • at 83.
A cashier is a trustee of the Bank's money allotted to him atwork. He cannot be heard to say that he owed no duty to check
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on the genuineness of a document placed before him for paymentnor identify properly the person who calls over before him forpayment with such a document. The Defendant – Appellant wasduty bound to check on both – genuineness of P3 and identityof the payee who called before him.
Merely looking at P3 on the one hand and Pll, P12 andPI3 paid on the same day by the Defendant – Appellant on theother, the following discrepancies are visible –
Pll, P12, and P13 carry on the face of it the seal
"AUTHORISED by- as per Memo/Letter" and the word
"Accountant" written on it. No such seal nor word appearon P3.
Pll, P12 and P13 refer to "Charges A/c General (Petty Chargesand Sundries)" while P3 refers to "General Charges A/c". Therewas no account called "General Charges A/c” at this Bank.
Pll referred to "Cost of 3 Towels for D.G.M's Toilet", P12referred to "Toilet requirements for D.G.M's new toilet" andP13 to "Cost of 6 packets Air FVeshner for Dealer's Department”.P3 on the other hand referred to "Pay Mr. T. Wimalaratneon a/c of receipt No. 3/024/A". There is no evidence that theDefendant – Appellant checked as to what that endorsementmeant. There was a senior officer seated close to him.
The defendant – Appellant admitted that the signaturesfound within paying cashier's stamp on Pll, PI 2 and PI 3differed from the signatures on P3.
Significantly Pll, P12 and P13 carried a serial number"434", "433" and "431" respectively while P3 did not carryany such number even though the name of account soundedsimilar.
P11, P12 and P13 each carried a signature (in fact the sametype of signature) within the column "Officer – in – Charge/Accountant/Manager" while P3 did not have any suchsignature.
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These discrepancies are perceivable ex-facie even to alayman. The Bank stated as per P7 that the voucher (P3) "wasnot the usual form and contained irregular and/or suspiciousfeatures, and that payment was made without obtainingidentification and contrary to instructions and practice." TheBank also pointed out to Defendant – Appellant that P3 wasnot duly authorised and that the signatures thereon were forged.
On the 2nd of September 1981 itself, the day after thepayment was made, the Bank had pointed out by P4 that P3did not bear signatures of any authorised Officer of the Bank.The only explanation given by the Defendant – Appellant by P5was that on examination the Defendant – Appellant found thesignatures of the Manager and the Accountant, which heaccepted as correct and therefore paid cash. He stated on P5that "To the naked eye the (se) signatures looked authentic".
It is the same Defendant – Appellant who wrote P5, answeredat pages 330 and 331 as earlier referred to and at page 332 ofthe Brief as follows
There is no doubt that if the Defendant – Appellant performedhis duties diligently as a Bank Clerk as per the terms of P1 andP2 he would have noticed the discrepancies and therefore referredP3 to a Senior Officer before payment.
Quite rightly the learned Additional District Judge at page433 of the Brief had stated as follows:-
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Thus the learned Additional District Judge had quite rightlyconcluded that the Defendant had acted negligently and carelessly.(Vide answer to issue 8 – page 449 of the Brief). That wouldmean that the Defendant – Appellant did not properly checkthe signatures on P3 before payment. If he did properly checkhe would have found them to be not genuine and not in order.Checking of the signatures could have been done in comparisonwith the signatures on PI 1, P12 and P13. If there was any doubtthe Defendant – Appellant could have referred the matter to theSenior Officer seated close to him. The amount after all relativelywas unusually high. (Vide P10 and P10A. Page 90 of R6).
It is therefore not possible to come to the conclusion thatthe Defendant – Appellant made the payment bona fide. He wasnegligent and careless as stated by the learned AdditionalDistrict Judge. The learned Judge also concluded that it had
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not been proved that the Defendant – Appellant knew that P3was a forgery and yet fraudulently paid on a forged internaldebit voucher. We agree with his conclusion. So long as anynexus between the payee and the Defendant – Appellant hadnot been established nor any act or conduct on the part of theDefendant- Appellant that displayed positive knowledge on hispart that P3 was a forgery, the benefit of the doubt must enureto the Defendant – Appellant.
In the light of our review of the evidence let us now criticallyexamine the answers given to the issues by the learned AdditionalDistrict Judge.
Answering in the affirmative issue No. 2 as "(a) and/or (b)"he had imported some confusion. The answer to our mindshould have read as "2(a) – yes", "2(b) – yes" (though that appearsto be the learned Judge's intention).
In answering issue No. 7 the learned Judge seems to havetaken it to be connected to issue No. 6 and answered same as"Not proved that the Defendant received the said money". Webelieve this response was erroneous. It should have beenanswered in the affirmative. Issue No. 8 therefore should havebeen answered in view of the answers to issue Nos. 6 and 7 as'Yes. The Defendant had acted negligently and carelessly." Weare unable to understand as to why the learned Judge in answeringissue No. 9. restricted the Plaintiff’s claim to Rs. 32875/45. Thisamount was due from the Defendant – Appellant on the day hepaid that sum negligently and carelessly and the matter cameto light (i. e. on 01. 09. 1981). If he did not reimburse thatBank on that day the Bank should have been granted legalinterest. Therefore we conclude that the answer to issue No. 9should have read as 'Yes".
Coming over to the Defendant's issues, issue No. 10 dealswith instructions in terms of paragraph 5 of the plaint beinggiven or not to the Defendant and/ or other pay clerks.
In his letter to the Minister of Labour (PI8) the Defendant- Appellant stated as follows:-
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"When this voucher was presented for payment I checkedit carefully and found it to be in order in all respects and sincerelyand truly believed that the signatures that appeared thereonwere the signatures of the Accountant and another Officer. Theywere so similar to the genuine signature of these officers and Ihad no doubt about their authenticity since the forgery was socleverly done".
This implies that the Defendant – Appellant was instructedby the Plaintiff – Respondent Bank with regard to the contentsof paragraph 5(a) of the plaint.
The contents of 5(b) and 5(c) were the normal functions ofa Bank Clerk and it was unreasonable on the part of theDefendant – Appellant to distinguish between internal andexternal payments. To deny that checking of the identity of aperson and genuineness of a document was necessary whenthe payment was internal, would connote as stated earlier inthis judgment, that the Bank trained and maintained an Officerto simply dole out money without checking identity (of payee)nor genuineness (of document). In the light of the evidence ofthe two Officer-witnesses of the Bank, the Court could havepresumed that instructions as per paragraphs 5(b) and 5(c) ofthe plaint were indeed given to the Defendant – Appellant. Ifthere were any misgivings as to whether such identity andgenuineness were to be checked or not, (since P8 in its penultimuteparagraph had called upon staff members to refer to theManager when in doubt with regard to identity) the Defendant- Appellant could have checked either with Mr. Wijesekeraseated close to him or with the Manager Wijetillake, and foundout whether it was his duty to check identity and genuinenesswhen paying on interned vouchers.
As to the contents of paragraph 5(d) the evidence ofWijesekera confirmed that it was the practice for vouchers ofRs. 5000/- or more to be personally brought over by him or anAssistant Accountant to Counter R6 though the Defendant -Appellant denied such a practice. The learned Additional DistrictJudge could have admitted the evidence of witness Wijesekera
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in this regard. Witness Wijesekera's evidence was confirmed bywitness Wijetillake. These are normal Bank practices even regularand long standing customers of any Bank are aware of. Usuallywhen amounts are large a Senior Officer comes over to thecounter, looks at the payee and nods at the Counter Clerk.
Therefore it was reasonable to conclude that instructionsas per paragraph 5 of the plaint were in fact given to the Defendant- Appellant. Obviously the Defendant – Appellant (having beenforced to admit subsequently in evidence that he had paid on adubious document) could not have admitted the contents ofparagraph 5.
The learned Judge had criticised the manner in which P8and P9 were prepared and circularised. The haphazardness ofthe Bank's action in this regard could not have shielded theDefendant – Appellant from acting responsibly.
We would have therefore answered issue No. 10 in theaffirmative rather than say "not proved". The standard of proofin this regard was on a balance of probability and as opposedto the denial by the Defendant – Appellant there was positiveevidence of witness Wijesekera corroborated by that of witnessWijetillake which tilted the scale in favour of the Plaintiff Bank.Documents P8 and P9 contributed to such tilting.
This is so with regard to issue No. 11 too. The answer toissue 11 should have been "yes" instead of "not proved".
The learned Judge could have answered issues No. 16(a)and (b) instead of avoiding answering them. For the reasonsgiven earlier in this judgment based also on the evidence of theDefendant – Appellant, the learned Judge, we believe, could haveanswered issue No. 16(a) as "no" and issue No. 16(b) as "yes".We would answer accordingly.
Thus the answers to issues, to our mind in the light of theevidence led and documents furnished should have been asfollows:-
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Issue 1-yes
-not proved
-not necessary to answer
With the answering of the issues as above, the submissionsof the learned Counsel for the Defendant-Appellant with regardto the logic of answering issues 2, 4 and 5 in the affirmative inthe light of the answers given to issues 10 and 11 by the learnedJudge gets resolved. So to the answer to issue No. 7 which wehave answered in the affirmative.
As to the answer to issue No. 12 we have allowed it to standas "no". A Bank cannot be expected to dole out doses of cut anddried information at all times to its Officers with regard toobvious Banking practices. The Officers are presumed to know
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them after training and employment. If they had doubt theyshould consult their superiors. There was no contractual dutycast on the Bank to inform the Defendant – Appellant that thelatter should not pay money "to a person who had no rightwhatsoever to receive that money (Issue 1) nor that the Defendant- Appellant under his contract of service was obliged "not tomake any payments to unknown persons or persons whoseidentity was not known" "[Issue 2(b)). The Bank Clerk in thisinstance should have known them after reading his terms ofcontract PI and P2 and after receiving his training.
The learned Counsel for the Defendant – Appellant complainedthat Issue Nos. 14 to 20 were not answered.
With the answering of issue No. 16(a) and (b) by us thisproblem is resolved.
As to the penultimate submission of the learned Counselfor the Defendant – Appellant the person who prepared thevoucher (P3) could not have been called, as insisted upon byhim, because it had been found to be a forgery. The necessity toproduce all the other vouchers paid by the Defendant – Appellanton 01. 09. 1981 would have arisen only if the Defendant -Appellant insisted that the signatures on P3 were exactly similarto the Officers' actual signatures. The Defendant – Appellanthaving been forced to accept in cross examination that P3 perse appeared to be a forgery, evidence in rebuttal to produce othervouchers did not arise. In any event the Officers who shouldhave signed P3 and whose signatures were purported to be onP3 had given evidence that P3 was a forgery. Therefore thelearned Counsel's submission in this regard is rejected.
With reference to the final submission the learned AdditionalDistrict Judge had no doubt found that the Bank's managementsystem at that time had much to be desired. But that was noexcuse for the Defendant r Appellant to have acted negligentlyand carelessly. The learned Judge had rightly concluded thatthe Defendant- Appellant was obliged to pay back the moneycarelessly and negligently paid by him on P3.
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As for the submissions made by the learned Counsel forthe Plaintiff – Respondent we have now answered issues 7, 10,
11 and 16. The learned Judge did point out certain shortcomingswith regard to the management techniques adopted by the Banksuch as sending a thin sheet of paper (P8) to be signed and sentby Officers, instead of having copies of P8 distributed to allOfficers etc. This did not mean that the Managing Officers wereinefficient. We must not forget that until cases of this nature cropup, a Bank does not necessarily gear itself to face up to sucheventualities. But the fact that the Bank's Officers did considersuch eventualities is brought out by the circularising (by obtainingsignatures of Officers after they perused them) of P8 and P9.
With regard to the denial of intererst to the Plaintiff -Respondent Bank we have now put the record correct.
We therefore amend the answers to the issues given by thelearned Judge to read as given by us hereabove and amend hisconclusion to give judgment as prayed for in the plaint dated17.05. 1982. We dismiss the appeal of the Defendant – Appellantand order that he shall pay the taxed costs of this appeal too tothe Plaintiff Respondent.
Appeal dismissed.