S HARYANAUDA, J.—Gunasekera v. De Silva
1974 Present: Walgampaya, J., and Sharvananda, J.
N.M. GUNASEKERA, Appellant, and S. W. DE SILVA,
– Respondent
S. C. 315/73 M. C. Colombo, 55267/AMC
Control of prices—Sale of wheat flour in retail—Duty of vendor tosupply wrapper or container without charge.
When wheat flour is sold at the maximum retail price permittedby the relevant Price Order, the obligation rests on the vendor tosupply the wrapper or the container, without any extra charge forsuch wrapper or container.
PEAL from a judgment of the Magistrate’s Court, Colombo.
C. E. de Silva, for the accused-appellant.
Gamini A. L. Abeyratne, State Counsel, for the Attorney-General.
January 26, 1974. Sharvananda, J.—
We have listened carefully to the argument adduced bylearned Counsel who appears for the accused-appellant, but wesee no reason to interfere with the findings of the learnedMagistrate.
In terms of the provisions of the Gazette Notification of thePrice Order No. FC/IV/SF 11 (7) dated 21.21969, when thevendor is selling wheat flour at the maximum retail price theobligation rests on the vendor to supply the wrapper or thecontainer, as and when the occasion arises, and he cannot chargeany extra amount for the wrapper or the container supplied byhim.
It would appear that in fixing the maximum price theController has taken into account the cost of the wrapper or thecontainer.
The appeal is therefore dismissed.
Walgampaya, J.—I agree.
Appeal dismissed.