Poam J.
This is the reading of the Ordinance which. I accept. Thelearned Magistrate has found as a fact in the present case thatthere was no dishonest intention. He received the notice from theChairman of the Sanitary Board osi March 2 to pay. He paid onMarch 14. Tbe word '* forthwith ” in' Ordinance No. 22 of 1889,I think, clearly means within a reasonable time, and apparentlythe accused offered to pay the balance on some day which is notmentioned between the 2nd and 14th, but this was refused by theclerk in the Kachcheri, on the ground that he must receive thewhole of the amount.
I see no reason to disagree with the finding of the- Magistratein this case, and would dismiss the appeal,
Appeal dismissed.
1 U902) S N. L. B. 3i4i