It is quite evident from the above issue that the effect of the same waswhether the Plaintiffs were entitled to the reliefs prayed in the plaint if theabove issues (viz; issues 1-6) are answered in the affirmative. It is clearfrom the above that there had been no issue on ejectment and restorationof possession by the plaintiff. The learned judge has correctly answeredall the issues admitted to trial giving good reasons.
CASopi Nona vs.-243
Karunadasa and Another (Ekanayake, J.)
by the judgment nor was such relief even prayed by the prayer to theplaint. So obviously there cannot be a decree for ejectment and restorationof possession. It is to be noted that the decree which is filed of record andsigned by the judge as per journal entry of 22.10.1997 is in conformity withthejudgment.
Therefore, I conclude that by allowing the writ of possession by theorder dated 08.04.1999 the learned Trial judge had given a relief to thePlantiffs which was not granted by the judgment and the decree andtherefore same is hereby set aside.
Further on a perusal of the impugned 2nd order dated 29.11.2000I conclude that the learned judge had erred by failing to invoke inherentpowers under section 839 of the Civil Procedure Code and to make orderrestoring possession to the second defendant when sufficient groundshad existed to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends ofjustice. Therefore the above order dated 29.11.2000 too is hereby setaside.
It has to be further stressed here that ejectment and restoration ofpossession had neither been prayed for in the prayer to the plaint as arelief nor had there been any issue raised by the Plaintiff to that effect.Issue No. 7 raised on behalf of the Plaintiffs had been to the followingeffect:
Sri Lanka Law Reports
(2005) 3 Sri L. R.
For the foregoing reasons while affirming the judgment of the learnedTrial Judge dated 10.10.1995, the orders dated 08.04.1999 and 29.11.2000are hereby set aside and this court makes order that the 2nd defendantpetitioner be restored to possession forthwith.
In all the circumstances of the case no order is made with regard tocosts of this application.
Application allowed.
2nd defendant-petitioner to be restored to possession.