Sopinona vs. Pitipanaarachchi And two others
S.C. APPEAL NO. 49/2003S. C. (SPL) L. A. NO. 01/2003
A. NO. 631/98(F)
C. HOMAGAMA NO. 247/PJANUARY 13™, 2009
Partition Law 21 of 1977, Partition Act of 1951 – Identity of the Corpus- Investigation of title – Common Ownership – Duty to answer all Pointsof Contest – failure – denial of justice – trial de Novo – Justifiability.
The Original Plaintiff – Respondent – Appellant, instituted action in theDistrict Court of Colombo on 29.1.1969 seeking to partition a land called“Porikehena” The action was contested by 1st, 3rd and 19th defendantsout of the 40 defendants in the original plaint. The trial was concludedon 24.3.1975. The original plaintiff Romanis had died pending the trialand Sopinona (Appellant) was substituted in his place. Before thejudgment was delivered, the case was transferred to the DistrictCourt of Homagama and trial commenced de novo on 23rd April 1992.At the conclusion of the trial the learned District Judge delivered thejudgment on 4.9.1998. However, the learned District Judge answeredonly issue No. 1 raised by the appellant in her favour, and refrainedfrom answering any of the other issues on the basis that they did notarise and disposed of the entire case only answering issue No. 1. The3rd and 41“ Respondents appealed to the Court of Appeal. The Courtof Appeal set aside the judgment and sent the case back for re-trial.The substituted plaintiff – Respondent – Appellant appealed againstthe judgment of the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court grantedspecial leave to appeal on the following questions of law.
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Whether in law, was there sufficient investigation of title of theparties by the Original Court.
Whether all issues need be answered by the District Judge whenthe answer to one issue alone sufficiently determines the title ofthe parties.
Whether, if the answer to a single issue, in effect is a completeanswer to all the contents in the action, whether it is necessaryand incumbent on the District Judge to give specific answers toeach and every issue.
In a partition action, it would be the prime duty of the Trial Judgeto carefully examine and investigate the actual rights and title tothe land, sought to be partitioned. In that process it would beessential for the Trial Judge to consider the evidence led on pointsof contest and answer all of them, stating as to why they areaccepted or rejected.
Answering only points of contest raised by one party in a partitionaction and failing to consider the points of contest raised by otherparties amounts to denial of justice to the latter parties for nofault of theirs. Failure to consider the deeds and other documentsproduced by the respondents at the trial leads to the conclusion,considering the rights of the respondents, there had in fact been amiscarriage of justice.
Since a partition action is instituted to determine questions oftitle, it is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation and theduty of such investigation devolves on the Court.
Per Saleem Marsoof., J. –
Where any person’s possession was originally not adverse, and heclaims that it has become adverse, the onus in on him to prove it.In doing so, he is required not only to prove intention on his partto possess adversely, but also a manifestation of that intention tothe true owner against whom he sets up his possession.
Clarity in regard to the identity of the corpus is fundamentalto the investigation of title in a partition case. Without properidentification of the corpus it would be impossible to conduct aproper investigation of title.
Sopinona vs. Pitipanaarachchi And two othersSC
A basic principle in all the enactments on Partition Law is thatwhere there has been no investigation of title, any resultingpartition decree necessarily has to be set aside.
The judge must evaluate and consider the totality of the evidence,giving a short summary of the evidence of the parties andwitnesses and stating the reasons for his preference to accept theevidence of one party as opposed to that of the other.
Per Saleem Marsoof, J., – (dissenting with the conclusion on thequestion of trial de Novo.)
“I am also firmly of the opinion that, in any event, no usefulpurpose would be served by sending this case back to the originalcourt for trial de novo, as directed by the Court of Appeal. Thiswould constitute a third trial of this case more than four decadessince the matter was first brought before the District Court”.
“I note that Sopinona, Carolis and Comelis, the witnessespresented before the Courts in the second trial before the DistrictCourt of Homagama, would by now be more than 80 years old ifthey are living, and their descendants may not know about thefacts of this case even to extent Sopinona, Carolis and Comelisknew”.
“Considering therefore all the circumstances of this case, and inparticular, the uncertainty regarding the identity of the corpus,the failure to register lis pendens for the larger land of 1 acreand 16.85 perches, the weakness in the case of the Appellant aspresented at the trial, the difficulty of finding witnesses who cantestify at a fresh trial, and evidence led at the trial which show thatthe land sought to be partitioned was not co-owned properly, I amof the opinion that it is appropriate to make order setting asidethe judgment of the Court of Appeal dated 22nd November 2002as well as the judgment of the District Court dated 4th September1998, and substitute therefore an order that the action filed in theDistrict Court by the substituted Appellant should standdismissed”.
Cases referred to :
Victor v. Cyril de Silva [1998] 1 Sri L.R. 41
Wamakula v. Ramani Jayawardena [1990] 1 Sri L. R. 206
Wijesundera v. Herath Appuhamy and others 67 C. L. W. 63
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Dharmadasa v. Meraya [1948] 50 N. L. R. 197
Peiris v. Perera (1896) 1 N. L. R. 362
Mather v. Thamotheram Pillai (1903) 6 N. L. R. 246
Neelakuttu v. Alvar (1918) 20 N. L. R. 372
Batagama Appuhamy v. Dingiri Menika (1897) N. L. R. 129
Fereira v. Haniffa (1912) 15 N. L. R. 445
Fernando v. Mohamadu Saibo (1899) 3 N. L. R. 321
Fernando v. Perera, 1 Thambyah Reports 71
Manchohamy v. Andiris 9 S. C. C. 64
Gooneratne v. Bishop of Colombo (1931) 32 N. L. R. 337
Nagamuttu v. Ponnampalam 4 Thambyah 29
Caronchi Appuhamy v. Manikhamy 4 Thambyah 120
Cooke v. Bandulhamy 4 Thambyah 63
John Singho v. Pediris Hamy (1947) 48 N. L. R 345
TUdri Menika v. Deonis (1903) 7 N. L. R. 337
Dona Lucihamy et al v. Cidliyahamy et al (1957) 59 N. L. R. 214
Meera Mohindeen v. Pathuamma 76 C. L. W. 107
Cooray v. Wijesuriya (1958) 62 N. L. R. 158
De Silva v. De Silva 3 C. W. R. 318
Wickremaretne v. Albenis Perera [1986] 1 Sri LR 190
Jayasooriy v. Ubaid 61 N. L. R. 352
Gnanapandithen and Another v. Balanayagam and Another [ 1998]1 Sri LR 391
Corea v. Appuhamy 15 NLR 65
Tillekertame v. Bastian 21 NLR 12
Maria Fernando and Another v. Anthony Fernando (1997) 2 Sri LR356
28(a) Siyadoris v. Simon – 30 CLW 50
Gunasekara v. Tissera and Others [1994] 3 Sri LR 245
Kobbedakuwa v. Seneviratne 53 NLR 354
Ithohamy v. Karanagoda 56 NLR 250, 252
Sopinona vs. PitipartaarachduAnd two others
(Dr. Stamm Bandaranayake. J)
Bank of Ceylon v. Chelliah Pillai 64 NLR 25 (PC)
Peiris v. Municipal Council, Galle 65 NLR 555
Mohinudeen and Another v. Lanka Bankuwa, York Street, Colombo01 [2001] 1 Sri LR, 290
Muthukrishna v. Gomes and Others [1994] 3 Sri LR 8
Nihal Jayamanne, P. C., with Dilhan de Silva for Substituted – Plaintiff- Respondent – Appellant.
Rohan Sahabandu for Defendants – Appellants – Respondents.
February 03rd, 2010
DR. SHIRANI BANDARANAYAKE, J.I have had the advantage of reading in draft, the judgmentof my brother Marsoof, J. Although I am in agreement withthe findings of Marsoof, J., that the three (3) questions of lawon which special leave to appeal was granted by this Courton 01.07.2003, must be answered in the negative, I am notin agreement with his conclusion that the judgment of theCourt of Appeal dated 22.11.2002 be set aside.
I do not intend to make reference to the facts of thisappeal since that had been dealt in detail by Marsoof, J. I wouldalso not dwell on the three questions of law on which specialleave to appeal was granted, as I am of the view that, con-sidering the facts and circumstances, and more importantlythe legality of the questions raised, they must be answered inthe negative.
In the light of the above, I would only consider thequestions as to whether it would be correct to conclude thatthe judgment of the Court of Appeal dated 22.11.2002, whichdecided to set aside the judgment of the learned DistrictJudge and to hold a trial de novo should be set aside.
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The main issue before the Court of Appeal was on thebasis that the learned District Judge had answered only oneissue, which was raised by the plaintiff-respondent-appellant(hereinafter referred to as the appellant). The contention ofthe learned President’s Counsel for the appellant was thatsince the main issue raised by the appellant was answeredby the learned District Judge, there was no necessity toanswer the other issues framed by the defendants-appellants-respondents (hereinafter referred to as the respondents).Considering the submissions made by both learned Counselbefore the Court of Appeal, Somawansa, J., had taken theview that the learned District Judge had failed to considerand analyse the totality of the evidence led before the DistrictCourt and more importantly that she had decided on theallocation of shares in accordance with the pedigree given inthe plaint without examining the devolution of title. In arrivingat this conclusion, learned Judge of the Court of Appeal hadreferred to several instances, where the learned District Judgehad erred. Referring to such instances, Somawansa, J., in hisjudgment had stated thus:
“The fact that she has not given her mind to analyse theevidence is borne out by her misstatements that the 3rddefendant-appellant is a son of Jeeris when in fact he wasa grandson and again that Carolis is a son of Haramanis’sbrother when in fact he was the son of Odiris, who is theson of Haramanis.
It is apparent that the learned District Judge has failed toconsider and analyse the totality of the evidence led andmore importantly has failed to examine the title of parties.With a sweeping statement she has directed that alloca-tion of shares should be in accordance with the pedigreeas shown in the plaint when in fact it was incumbent
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on her to examine the devolution of title. It is also tobe noted that the learned District Judge has failed toconsider and answer 13 issues on the basis that in viewof answer to issue No. 01 it was not necessary to answerthe other issues. Here again, I am of the view that shehas erred in not answering the balance 13 issues. Forissue No 01 is based not only on devolution of title, butalso on prescription. Therefore it becomes necessary toconsider and analyse the evidence to ascertain whetherparties disclosed in the plaint had prescribed which thelearned District Judge has failed to do.”
Learned Judge of the Court of Appeal had referred toseveral decisions (Victor v Cyril de Silva{1), Wamakula v.Ramani Jayawardena (2), Wijesundera v. Herath Appuhamyand others(3), Dharmadasa v. Meraya{4), Peiris v. Pereral5) andMather v. Thamotheram Pillai(6).
By this the learned Judge of the Court of Appeal hademphasized the need to evaluate both oral and documentaryevidence in a partition action in order to ascertain the actualowners of the land in question before entering the decree,which is good and conclusive against the whole world.
The action in question was initially instituted in theDistrict Court of Homagama Seeking to partition a land,which was known as Porikiyahena in extent 3R. IIP.,morefully described in the schedule to the plaint and depictedas lots A and B in the preliminary plan No. 255 prepared by
P. S. Gunawardena, Licensed Surveyor dated 06.07.1970.
Since a partition action is instituted to determinequestions of title, it is necessary to conduct a thoroughinvestigation and the duty of such investigation undoubtedlydevolves on the Court. Bertram A. C. J., in Neelakutty v. Alvar™
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had considered the reason underlying the need for a carefulinvestigation by Court and had clearly stated that it isdue to the effect of a partition decree, which is muchthe same as that of a judgment in rem. Browne A. J. inBatagama Appuhamy v. Dingiri Menika(a) emphasized thefact that in order to obtain a decree of partition, whichis binding against the whole world, the Court shouldrequire the parties to prove their title. This position wasagain considered by Bonser, C. J., Peiris v. Perera (supra),where it was clearly stated that,
“It is obvious that the Court ought not to make a(partition) decree, unless it is perfectly satisfied that thepersons in whose favour it makes the decree are entitledto the property. The Court should not, as it seems tome, regard these actions as merely to be decided onissues raised by and between the parties. The first thingthe Court has to do is to satisfy itself that the plaintiffhas made out his title, for unless he makes out his title,his action cannot be maintained; and he must prove histitle strictly, as has been frequently pointed out by thisCourt.”
The need for a careful investigation of all titles has beenemphatically reiterated by our Courts in many decisions(Mather v. Tamatheram Pillai (supra), Ferreira v. Haniffa{9),Fernando v. Mohamadu Saibom, Fernando v. Perera"11,Manchohamy v. Andirist12], Gooneratne v. Bishop of Colombo(l3)Nagamuttu v. PonampalamlU), Caronchi Appuhamy v.Manikhamy "5|, Cooke v. Bandulhami/l6] and there is nodoubt regarding the necessity for a thorough investigation oftitle in partition actions.
It is not disputed that the learned District Judge had notcarefully examined and analysed the totality of the evidence
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placed before her and had not taken steps to investigate thetitle of parties before the District Court. It is also not disputedthat the learned District Judge had answered only issueNo. 1 and had not answered the 13 issues raised by therespondents.
An important feature in our Civil Procedure Code is therequirement that specific issues be framed (Civil Procedure inCeylon K. D. P. Wickramanayake, 1st edition, 1971, pg. 177).In partition actions they are commonly known as points ofcontest and not as issues in John Singho v. Pediris Hamy,17)reference was made to such points of contest in a partitionaction.
Considering all the aforementioned circumstances, Iwould now turn to consider the question, that was raised atthe outset, as to whether it would be correct to conclude thatthe judgment of the Court of Appeal dated 22.11.2002, whichdecided to set aside the judgment of the District Court and tohold a trial de novo, should be set aside.
Section 187 of the Civil Procedure Code deals withthe requisites of a judgment of a trial Court and reads asfollows:
“The judgment shall contain a concise statement of thecase, the points for determination, the decision thereonand the reasons for such decision; and the opinions of theassessors (if any) shall be prefixed to the judgment andsigned by such assessors respectively. ”
Considering the provisions contained in Section 187of the Civil Procedure Code, in Wamakula v. RamaniJayawardena (supra), The Court of Appeal observed that thelearned District Judge had failed to consider the totality of the
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evidence led on behalf of the plaintiff-appellant and had heldthat,
“Bare answers to issues without reasons are not incompliance with the requirements of Section 187 of theCivil procedure Code. The evidence germane to eachissue must be reviewed or examined. The judge mustevaluate and consider the totality of the evidence.”
In TWriri Manika v. DeonistiSI> it was held that a judg-ment which does not deal with the points in issue anddoes not pronounce a finding definitely on them isnot a judicial pronouncement and as stated in DonaLucihamy et at v. Ceciliyanahamy et.aUl9) bare answers ina judgment to issues are insufficient, unless all matters,which arise for decision under each head have beenexamined. Moreover examining the provisions contained inSection 187 of the Civil Procedure Code, Sirimane, J. in MeeraMohideen v. Pathummam had clearly stated that,
“A trial Judge should assess the oral evidence and bringhis mind to bear on the facts relevant to the dispute andgive reasons for his decision of the dispute as required bySection 187 of the Code.”
Considering the facts and circumstances of this appeal,it is evident that by only answering the point of contest raisedas the only issue by the appellant in the District Court andnot giving any consideration to the points of contest raisedby the respondents, justice was denied to them for no fault ofthe respondents. The respondents’ allegation before the Courtof Appeal was that there deeds were not at all considered,which leads not only to the conclusion that there hadbeen a denial of justice, but also considering the rights of
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the respondents that there had in fact been a miscarriage ofjustice. In Cooray v. WijesuriycPl Sinnetamby, J. referred tothe importance of Court being cautious of its investigationsregarding the entitlement of parties in a partition action.According to Sinnetamby, J.,
“It is unnecessary to add that the Court, before enteringa decree, should hold a careful investigation and act onlyon clear proof of the title of all the parties,.”
It is to be borne in mind that a partition suit couldbe said to be a proceeding taken for the prevention orredress of a wrong within the ambit of section 3 of the Court’sOrdinance (De Silva v De Silval22). Accordingly in apartition action, it would be the prime duly of theTrial Judge to carefully examine and investigate the actualrights and titles to the land, sought to be partitioned. In thatprocess it would essential for the Trial Judge to consider theevidence led on points of contest and answer all of them,stating as to why they are accepted or rejected.
It is not disputed that this action has been pending since1969 for a period of over 4 decades. It is unfortunate to notethat even after such a long time span, to this date the pointsof contest taken up in the form of issues at the District Court,have remained unanswered. Whilst the inordinate delay fromthe very commencement of this case cannot be condoned,in order to mete out justice in a fair and a rational manner,it would be necessary for the District Court to take up thismatter de novo to carefully examine the devolution of title onthe basis of oral and documentary evidence on the allocationof shares and to take steps to answer all the points of contestraised as issues, as otherwise there could be a miscarriage ofjustice.
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Accordingly, for the reasons aforesaid the question isanswered in the negative and the judgment of the Court ofAppeal dated 22.11.2002, which set aside the judgment ofthe District Court, Homagama and directed the case to besent back for a trial de novo, is affirmed.
The Registrar is directed to send the case record tothe District Court Homagama forthwith and the learnedDistrict Judge is directed to hear and conclude the case asexpeditiously as possible.
I make no order as to costs.
BALAPATABENDI, J. -1 agree.Appeal dismissed
SALEEM MARSOOF, J.Over four decades ago, on 29th January 1969 theoriginal PlaintifF-Respondent-Appellant, Welapahala Arach-chige Remanis, of Pitipana South, Homagama, institutedaction in the District Court of Colombo seeking to partitiona land called “Porikehena”, in extent 3 roods and 11 perch-es and situated in the village of Pitipana in the HewagamKorale then falling within the Colombo District. The actionwas contested only by the 1st, 3rd and 19th Defendants, out ofthe 40 persons named as Defendants in the plaint. The landsought to be partitioned was described in the schedule to theplaint by reference to Plan No. 167058 dated 2nd July 1985authenticated by D. G. Mantale, Surveyor General, andreferred to in Crown Grant No. 30258 dated 28th December1985 (PI), by which the said land was granted to Remanis’s
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grandfather Pitipana Achachchige Jeeris jointly with anotherperson named Thantirige Haramanis, of the same village. Thesaid Jeeris had four children, one of whom was Sethuhamy,who was admittedly the mother of the original Plaintiff,Remanis.
It must be mentioned at the outset that this case hashad a long and checkered history despite the fact thatafter the initial steps that necessarily take time in partitioncases, the trial had commenced and was concluded on 24thMarch 1975. Since Remanis had died prior to the said trialdate, his widow, Poragalage Sopinona (hereinafter referred toas “the Appellant”) who had been substituted in his place,and another witness, Thantirige Carolis, testified on behalfof the Appellant. On behalf of the contesting Defendant-Appellant-Respondents (hereinafter referred to as the“Respondents”). Pitipana Arachchige Tikonis, the original1st Defendant, and Matarage Menchinona, who had beensubstituted as the 41st Defendant in place her deceasedhusband Pitipana Arachchige Obias, gave evidence. However,before the judgement was delivered in this case, the casewas transferred to the newly established District Court ofHomagama and trial commenced de novo on 23rd April 1992.
At the commencement of the fresh trial before the DistrictCourt of Homagama on 23rd April 1992, the parties admittedthat the land described in the schedule to the plaint is shownin the preliminary Plan No. 255 dated 6th July 1970 andcertified by A. P. S. Gunawardene, Licenced Surveyor, andthat Emis, Sadiris, Charlis and Sethuhamy are the heirs ofJeeris. It is noteworthy that the said Preliminary Plan bearingNo. 255 depicts two lots marked as ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectivelyin extent 2 roods and 26.8 perches and 1 rood and 30.05
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perches, which add up to a land extent of 1 acre and 16.85perches. This is far in excess of the corpus as described in theschedule to the plaint which is only 3 roods and 11.9 perches.The Respondents, although admitting that the land describedin the schedule to the plaint is shown in the Preliminary PlanNo. 255, had alluded to this discrepancy at paragraph 20of their answer, and asserted that after the death of Jeeris,the land called Porikehena which he had possessed by virtueof the Crown Grant, was amalgamated with two other landsseparately owned by him namely, Indipitiya and MahakeleMukalana, and Plan No. 1868 dated 27th July 1940 certifiedby D. A. Goonatilleka, Licenced Surveyor (3DI) was preparedto amicably divide the amalgamated land amongst his heirsEmis, Sadiris, Charlis and Sethuhamy. It was the case of theRespondents that accordingly, lot ‘A’ of the said Plan wasallotted to Charlis, while lots ‘B’ and ‘E’ were allotted to Emis,and lots ‘C’ and T)’ respectively were allotted to Sadris andSethuhamy, and that they continued to possess the said lotsas defined and divided portions of land for the exclusion ofall others.
The issues that were raised at the commencement of thetrial are set out below.
On behalf of the AppellantAre the parties mentioned in the plaint entitled to theland described in the schedule to the plaint by virtue ofthe pedigree set out in the plaint and prescription?
On behalf of the DefendantDid Jeeris Appu possess the land which is the subjectmatter of this case and two other lands, namely, Indipitiya
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Did Jeeris Appu’s children Emis, Sadiris, Charlis andSethuhamy possess the aforesaid three lands as onepiece of land?
Did the aforesaid four persons after possessing theaforesaid three lands as one amicably partition of thesaid lands among themselves by Plan No. 1868 dated27th June 1940?
Accordingly, did Sethuhamy possess lot ‘D’, Sadirispossess lot ‘C’, Emis possess lots ‘B’ and TE’ and Charlispossess lot ‘A’ of the said Plan?
Did Sethuhami sell her rights to lot T)’ to the Plaintiff(who is her son and the present Appellant) by Deed No.1845 dated 3rd February 1950?
If answer to the above question is in the affirmative, canPlaintiff act in a manner inconsistent with the amicablepartition effected by Plan No. 1868?
Are lots ‘A’ and TS’ of Plan No. 1868, the same as the lot‘A’ and *B‘ of Plan No. 255 prepared for this case?
Are any portion of the aforesaid two lands own by thePlaintiff or other parties mentioned in his pedigree?
Apart from these issues certain additional issueswere also formulated on the suggestion of Counsel for theAppellant and Counsel for the Respondents as issues (10)to (14) which seek to further clarify the matters on whichparties were at variance. While at the trial de novo the samewitnesses, Sopinona and Carolis, testified on behalf of theAppellant, since the original 1st Defendant Tikonis hadpassed away, the original 3rd Defendant, Pitipana Arachchige
and Mukalana situated adjoining the said land as one
piece of land
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Cornells alone gave evidence on behalf of the Respondents. Thequestion that loomed large at the trial was whether Jeeris hadpossessed the land sought to be partitioned to the exclusionof Haramanis, and in particular whether the amalgamationof the said land with his other lands Indipitiya and MahakeleMukalana, and the allotment of distinct portions of theamalgamated land to Emis, Sadiris, Charlis and Sethuhamyas set out in the Plan No. 1868 dated 27th June 1940 (3DI),constituted evidence of ouster.
The learned District Judge, held with the Appellant, andin the course of her judgement dated 4th September 1998,agreed with the submissions made on behalf of the Appellantthat Jeeris or Jeeris’ heirs, who are entitled only to anundivided half share of the land, cannot prescribe to the otherundivided half share of Haramanis since a co-owner cannotin law prescribe against his other co-owner in the absence ofproof of ouster. The learned District Judge observed that –
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Accordingly, the Learned District Judge answered issueNo. 1 raised by the Appellant in her favour, and refrainedfrom answering any of the other issues on the basis that theydid not arise. I quote below the final paragraph of the saidjudgment –
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Aggrieved by this decision, the 3rd and 41st Respondentsappealed to the Court of Appeal. It was submitted on behalfof the Respondents that the learned District judge had notconsidered all the documentary and other evidence ten-dered on behalf of the Respondents and had thereby failed todischarge her duty to properly investigate title. In allowing theappeal, Andrew Somawansa, J., in the course of his judgementdated 22nd November 2002 with which N. E. Dissanayake, J.concurred, noted that while 5 deeds were marked by theAppellant and 9 marked by the Respondents, the learnedDistrict Judge had considered only 4 of the said deeds.Somawansa, J. held that the learned District Judge hadseriously erred in seeking to dispose of the whole case throughhis answer to issue No. 1 his Lordship observed that –
“Here again, I am of the view that she has erred in notanswering the balance issues. For issue No. 1 is basednot only on devolution of title but also on prescription.Therefore it becomes necessary to consider and analysethe evidence to ascertain whether parties disclosed in theplaint had prescribed which the learned District Judgehas failed to do.”
Accordingly, Somawansa, J. concluded that –
“Had she answered them, this Court would be in aposition to consider her findings on the said issues.However, as she has failed to answer the rest of the issues,though with reluctance, I am compelled to set aside thejudgement of the learned District Judge and send thecase back for re-trial.”
This Court has granted special leave to appeal againstthe said judgement of the Court of Appeal on the followingquestions of law:-
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“(a) Whether in law there was sufficient investigation of titleof the parties by the original court;
Whether all issues need be answered by the DistrictJudge when the answer to one issue alone sufficientlydetermines the title of the parties to the land both ondeeds and on prescription;
Whether, if the answer to a single issue, in effect is acomplete answer to all the contents in the action, whetherit is necessary and incumbent on the District Judge togive specific answers to the other issues. Specially, if inarriving at the answer to the issue the Learned DistrictJudge has considered and dealt with the matters raisedin the other issues.”
Identity of the Corpus
Before dealing with the first substantial question of lawon which special leave has been granted by this Court in thisappeal, it is necessary to deal with the question of identity ofthe land sought to be partitioned, which is a matter of vitalimportance in any partition case. Without proper identificationof the corpus it would be impossible to conduct a properinvestigation of title. As G.P.S. de Silva, J. (as he then was)emphasized in the course of his judgement in Wickremaratne
Albenis Pererai23) at 199, in a partition action, “there arecertain duties cast on the court quite apart from objectionsthat may or may be taken by the parties” and this includesthe “supervening duty to satisfy itself as to the identity ofthe corpus and also at to the title of each and every partywho claims title to it.” In Jayasooriay v UbaidP4) at 353Sansoni, J. observed that “there is no question that therewas a duty cast on the Judge to satisfy himself as to theidentity of the land sought to be partitioned, and for
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this purpose it was always open to him to call for furtherevidence in order to make a proper investigation.” This isbecause clarity in regard to the identity of the corpus isfundamental to the investigation of title in a partition case.
In this connection, it is necessary to observe that in theplaint filed in this case, the original Plaintiff Remanis soughtto partition the land described as Porikehena in extent 3 roodsand 11 perches. However, as already noted, the PreliminaryPlan No. 255 covers a much larger extent of 1 acre and16.85 perches, which is far in excess of the land described inthe schedule to the plaint and covered by the Crown GrantNo. 30258, dated 28th December 1895 (PI) from which theAppellant claims to have derived title. Despite the saiddiscrepancy in the extent of land being adverted to inparagraph 20 of the answer filed by the contesting Respon-dents, at the commencement of the trial de novo on 23rd April1992 all parties to the action admitted that the said Plandepicts the land described in the scheduled to the plaint andsought to be partitioned, and no point of contest or issue wasraised in regard to the identity of the corpus. However, whenCarolis Singho have evidence on 21s* August 1997 he spokeabout the discrepancy in the land extent, and his Counselmoved to raise two more issues in regard to the failure toproperly register lis pendens, which application was turneddown by the learned District Judge on the ground that thisaspect of the matter should have been taken up before thecommencement of the trial.
There esists a lack of clarity, even amongst each of theparties themselves, with regard to the description of thecorpus described in the schedule to the plaint as Porikehenain extent 3 roods and 11 perches by reference to Plan No.167058 dated 2nd July 1895 authenticated by D. G. Mantale,
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Surveyor General. This Plan was not produced in courtby any of the parties. It must be noted, that lots ‘A’ andTL’ of Plan No. 1868 dated 27th July 1940 and prepared byLicensed Surveyor M. D. A. Goonatilleka(3Dl) showing parts ofPorikehena which were subjected to the amicable partitionamongst Jeeris’s heirs, also add up to a extent of 3 roodsand 11 perches, and a superimposition of the said lots ‘A’and ‘E’ of the said Plan on the Preliminary Plan No. 255 dat-ed 11th October 1970 prepared by Licensed Surveyor A. P. S.Gunawardena clearly shows that the said Preliminary Plandepicts a land extent of 1 acre and 16.85 perches whichexceeds the land claimed by the Appellant as well as by theRespondents by approximately 1 rood and 5.85 perches.The Respondents, in their evidence and submissions atthe various stages of this case, have sometimes seeminglyadmitted the corpus as described in the plaint to be Porikehena,despite the aforesaid disparity, and at other times sought tochallenge this position. The parties have not shown consis-tency in this regard, and failed in their preliminary duty todescribe adequately and with clarity the corpus being thesubject matter of these proceedings.
The identity of the corpus is also a matter of fundamentalimportance in ensuring that all persons who have any claimto it to participate in the partition action, which ultimatelyconfers title in rem. The Partition Act No 16 of 1951, that wasapplicable at the time of the institution of the action in 1969,provided for the registration of lis pendens and other stepswhich had as their objective the proper investigation of title.It appears from the original record maintained in the DistrictCourt which was called for by this Court, that lis pendenswas registered in terms of Section 6 of the Partition Act on13th February 1969 in folio G 384/48 at the Land Registrywith respect to the land referred to in the schedule to the
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plaint in extent 3 roods and 11 perches. However, an exami-nation of the journal entries in the original record maintainedin the District Court in this case (from 18th April 1989, beingthe date of the reconstruction of the record after the originalrecord was destroyed by fire) did not show any evidencethat lis pendens was registered for the larger extent of landdepicted in the Preliminary Plan No. 255 in extent 1 acre and16.85 perches, and the fact that learned Counsel for CarolisSingho on 21st August 1997 sought to reuse two additionalissues in this regard suggests that in fact there was no suchregistration.
It has been expressly provided in Section 23(3) of thePartition Act of 19 51 that where a survey made on a commissionissued by court in a partition case “discloses that the landdescribed in the plaint is only a portion of a larger land whichshould have been made the subject matter of the action, thecourt shall specify the party to the action by whom, and thedate on or before which, an application for the registration ofthe action as a lis pendens affecting that larger land shall befiled in court” to enable the filling of lis pendends showing thelarger land and taking other mandatory steps under the Act,which are necessary to ensure that all interested parties arebefore court. The District Court has ordered the partitioningof the said larger portion of land depicted in Preliminary PlanNo. 255 consisting of 1 acre and 16.85 perches. Which farexceeds the land described in the schedule to the plaint, andin the absence of material to show that Section 23 of thePartition Act was complied with, raises serious doubts at tothe regularity and legality of the impugned decision of theDistrict Court in this case.
Sufficiency of Investigation of Title
The first substantial question of law on which specialleave to appeal was granted against the decision of the Court
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of Appeal is whether in law there was sufficient investiga-tion of title by the original court. Learned President’s Counselfor the Appellant strenuously contended that there was, andlearned Counsel for the Respondents argued with equal forcethat there was not.
It is trite law that, in a partition suit which is institutedto bring an end to co-ownership of land through a decreewhich is binging not only on the parties to the suit but in remover the entirety of society, the dispute is not to be settledon issues alone, but on any points of interest that the courtsees fit in discharging its sacred duty for the full investiga-tion of title. As was observed by Layard, C. J. in Mather v.Thamotharam Pillai (supra) at pages 250 to 251,
“…. The question to be decided in a partition suit is notmerely matters between parties which may be decided ina civil action; the Court has to decide in every such suitmatters in respect of which the parties need not neces-sarily be in dispute and on which in this particular suitthey are not at issue, viz., that the land is held in commonby the plaintiff and defendants, and they solely have titleto the land sought to be partitioned. The Court has notonly to decide the matters in which the parties are indispute, but to safeguard the interests of others who areno parties to the suit, who will be bound by a decree forpartition made by the Court under the provisions of theOrdinance.” (Italics added)
Layard, C. J. was there interpreting the PartitionOrdinance No. 10 of 1863, which has since been repealed,but the same obligation is cast on the court by the provi-sions of the Partition Act No. 16 of 1951 which appliedat the time of institution of the action from which thisappeal arises. In fact, dicta from the judgement of Layard, C. J.
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were quoted with approval by G. P. S. de Silva, C. J. inGnanapandithen and Another v. Balanayagam and Anotherwhich was decided under the provisions of the currentlegislation on the subject, namely, the Partition Law No.21 of 1977, as subsequently amended, which replaced thePartition Act of 1951. A basic principle in all the enactmentsis that where there has been no proper investigation of title,any resulting partition decree necessarily has to be setaside.
In the context of the stringent legal provisions of therelevant legislation, learned Counsel for the Respondentsubmitted the Appellant has failed to establish that the landis held in common by the Appellant and Respondents, andthat the Respondents solely have title to the land soughtto be partitioned. He submitted that it was clear from theevidence that Haramanis never possessed Porikehena, thatJeeris and his heirs alone possessed the entirety of Porikehenaalong with the two adjoining lands called Indipitiya andMahakele Mukalana and had in fact, over the course of 30 yearsof exclusive possession, prescribed to Porikehene as againstthe said Haramanis. It was submitted by learned Counsel forthe Respondents that any instance at which Haramanis hadacted in relation to Porikehena is explicable on basis that hefunctioned as an agent of Jeeris. He explained that whenJeeris died leaving as his heirs Emis, Sadiris, Charlis andSethuhamy who continued to possess all three lands incommon, they put an end to their common ownership byamalgamating and amicably divided the said lands amongthemselves by Partition Plan No. 1868 dated 27th July 1940certified by D. A. Goonatilleka, Licenced Surveyor (3D1).Learned Counsel for the Respondents submitted that thesaid lots ‘A’ and ‘E’ were by the said Plan marked 3D1,apportioned to Charlis and Emis respectively, and that lot
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‘A’ was subsequently transferred to Obies (the original 13thDefendant) whose widow Matarage Menchinona (the 41stSubstituted Defendant) now contests the Appellant’s casealong with the issue of Pitipana Arachchige Comelis (the 3rdDefendant) who it was submitted gained title to Lot *E’ fromEmis.
It was further submitted by the learned Counsel for theRespondents that the Appellant, only had title to parts of Lot T)’of Plan No. 1868 (3D1) through Sethuhamy and Sethuhamy’sson, Welapahala Arachchige Remanis, her late husbandwho was the original Plaintiff. It was his contention thatthe exclusive, undisturbed and uninterrupted possession bythe Respondents of defined and divided lots along with theother parties to the 1940 division, prior to, or at least, fromthe date of the said division, defeated through prescriptionthe co-ownership established by the initial Crown Grant. Itwas also submitted by learned Counsel for the Respondentsthat the Appellant’s case was doomed to fail as the identity ofthe corpus was in grave doubt, and additionally, as the landknown as Porikehena ceased to exist as a distinct land itsfollowing amalgamation in 1940 with Indipitiya andMahakele Mukalana. Learned Counsel for the Respondentstressed that the Appellant is legally bound by this division asSethuhamy, the mother of Remanis, who had participatedin the division had executed Deed No. 1845 marked as 3D3,whereby she conveyed lot ‘D’ of Plan No. 1868 (3D1) toRemanis. He contended that by accepting the saidconveyance, Sethuhamy precluded herself as well as hersuccessors-in-title, from disputing the validity of 3D1.He submitted that the Appellant, who is the widow ofRemanis, by claiming title based on the said Deed No. 1845(3D3) and her own testimony in court, had admitted the saidamalgamation and division, vitiating her right to claimotherwise.
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Learned President’s Counsel for the Appellant submittedthat the original court has adequately discharged itsobligation of satisfying itself that the land described in theschedule to the plaint (1) was held in common; and (2) thattitle devolved on the parties in the manner and to the extentas set out in the plaint. He submitted that by virtue of CrownGrant No. 30258, dated 28th December 1895 (PI), PitipanaArachchige Jeeris and one Thantirige Haramanis, becameentitled to equal shares in the land sought to be partitionedcalled Porikehena, in extent 3 roods and 11 perches. Hefurther submitted that the said Haramanis and Jeeris ownedtwo lands in common, namely, Porikehena, the corpus soughtto be partitioned in the action which led to this appeal, andKirigaldeniya. It was his contention that while Jeeris lived onPorikehena and Haramanis lived on Kirigaldeniya, neither didJeeris give up his rights to Kirigaldeniya nor did Haramanisgive up his rights to Porikehena. He submitted that thisposition is evidenced by the fact that the heirs of Jeeris hadsold rights in Kirigaldeniya on Deed No. 7066 dated 15thAugust 1922 attested by D. T. S. S. Jayatilake, Notary Public(P4) to the heirs of Haramanis and that some heirs ofHaramanis had in turn sold by Deed No. 1874, dated 17thOctober 1967 (P2), rights in Porikehena to the heirs of Jeeris,including the original Plaintiff, Welapahala ArachchigeRemanis. He submitted that the District Court had examinedall relevant evidence carefully, and was justified in upholdingthe claim of the Appellant for a 21/48th share of Porikehenaunder the said purchase from the heirs of Haramanis, anda further 1 / 56th share of Porikehena under the birth right ofher deceased husband Remanis, as an heir of Jeeris. LearnedPresident’s Counsel for the Appellant emphasized that Jeerisand Haramanis, being co-owners, their undivided rightscannot be prescribed by each other, in the absence ofclear evidence of ouster or something equivalent to ouster.
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He relied on the decisions of our Court in Corea v. Appuhamy P61and Tillekeratne v. Bastion,{27) and also referred to the decisionin Maria Fernando and Another v. Anthony Fernando <28), inwhich at 360 Wignesweran, J. observes as follows:
“Whether ouster may be presumed from long, continued,undisturbed, and uninterrupted possession depends onall the circumstances in each case, (vide, Siyadoris v.Simon.” <28<a>)
It is a well established principle in the Roman-DutchLaw that “the possession of one co-owner is, in law, thepossession of the other,” G. L. Pieris, The Law of Property inSri Lanka Vol. 1 at p. 359. In the celebrated case of Corea v.Appuhamy (supra) the Privy Council laid down in unequivocalterms that every co-owner must be presumed to be possessingin the capacity of co-owner, and that as Lord MacNaghtenput it at 78 of his judgment –
“His possession was in law the possession of hisco-owners. It was not possible for him to put an endto that possession by any secret intention in his mind.Nothing short of ouster or something equivalent to oustercould bring about that result.”
In Tillekaratne v. Bastion (supra) a Full Bench of theSupreme Court drawing from the principles of the commonlaw in Ceylon, as it then was, and in England, from whereour Prescription Ordinance had drawn much influence,Bertram, C. J. set out that our law on prescription, both insituations arising out of co-ownership and otherwise, mustbe approached by equating the previously unknown andabstract term “ouster” to a simple question as to whether thepossession in question was or has become “adverse”. At 18 ofhis judgement, Betram, C. J. observed that –
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“What, then, is the real effect of the decision in Corea v.Appuhamy (supra) upon the interpretation of the word“adverse” with reference to cases of co-ownership? It is,as I understand it, that for the purpose of these cases theword “adverse” must, in its application to, any particularcase, be interpreted in the light of three principles oflaw:-
Every co-owner having a right to possess and enjoythe whole property and every part of it, the possessionof one co-owner in that capacity is in law the posses-sion of all.
Where the circumstances are such that a man'spossession may be referable either to an unlawfulact or to a lawful title, he is presumed to possess byirirtue of the lawful title.
A person who has entered into possession of land inone capacity is presumed to continue to possess it inthe same capacity. ”
While the first of the above principles is one of substantivelaw, the second and third principles are presumptions, andthus, principles of the law of evidence. It is the applicabilityof the third of these principles, which has been the basis ofour decisions on this difficult area of law, and must decidequestion of the ownership of Porikehena. The effect of thisprinciple is that, where any person’s possession was originallynot adverse, and he claims that it has become adverse, theonus is on him to prove it. In doing so, he is required not onlyto prove an intention on his part to possess adversely, butalso a manifestation of that intention to the true owner againstwhom he sets up his possession. Considering recent decisionssuch as Maria Fernando v. Anthony Fernando (supra),
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authorities remain prone today as they were in 1918 asobserved by Bertram, C. J., to emphasize the definite andheavy burden cast upon the assertor to prove “an overtunequivocal act.”
However, it must not be forgotten that Bertram, C. J.himself acknowledged that there can be no hard and fast rulesin this regard, and in particular, the evidentiary principlethat a person who has entered into possession of land in onecapacity is presumed to continue to possess it in the samecapacity, might become unreal or “artificial” if it is acceptedwithout qualification. In the course of his judgment inTittekaratne v. Bastian (supra) at 20 to 21 he observed that –
“presumptions of the law of evidence should be
regarded as guides to the reasoning faculty, and not asfetters upon its exercise. Otherwise, by an argumentativeprocess based upon these presumptions, we may in anyparticular case be brought to a conclusion which, thoughlogically unimpeachable, is contrary to common sense.It is the reverse of reasonable to impute a characterto a man’s possession which his whole behavior haslong repudiated. If it is found that one co-owner and hispredecessors in interest have been in possession of thewhole property for a period as far back as reasonablememory reaches; that he and they have done nothing torecognize the claims of the other co-owners; that he hadthey have taken the whole produce of the property forthemselves; and that these co-owners, have never doneanything to assert a claim to any share of the produce, itis artificial in the highest degree to say that such a personand his predecessors in interest must be presumed tobe possessing all this time in the capacity of co-owners,and that they can never be regarded as having possessed
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adversely, simply because no definite positive act can bepointed to as originating or demonstrating the adversepossession. Where it is found that presumptions of lawlead to such an artificial result, it will generally be foundthat the law itself provides a remedy for such a situationby means of counter-presumptions. If such a thing werenot possible, law would in many cases become out ofharmony with justice and good sense.”
It is evident in this dictum that not only has this Courtrecognized the strong logical underpinnings for a counter-presumption of “ouster”, but it has also laid down guidelinesunder which such a presumption may be made. With furtherreference to a line of cases beginning from the seminal judge-ment in Corea v. Appuhamy (supra), all of which have beenanalyzed in the leading decision of this Court in Gunasekerav. Tissera and Others,(29) along with numerous referencesto be found in the Roman – Dutch law authorities, the casefor declaring the principle to be part of our law was wellestablished. Accordingly, in my view it is not only legitimatebut necessary, wherever long-continued exclusive possessionby one co-owner is proved to have existed, to delve intothe question whether it is just and reasonable in all thecircumstances of the case that the parties should be treatedas though it had been proved that separate and exclusivepossession had become adverse at some point of time morethan ten years before action brought.
It is in this light that one has to consider the submissionmade with great force by the learned President’s Counsel forthe Appellant that the amicable partition said to have beeneffected by Plan No. 1868 (3D1) by the heirs of Jeeris doesnot bind Haramanis or his heirs as they were not aware ofthe said Plan, and additionally, as no Partition Deed to which
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all co-owners were parties had been entered into to give effectto the said Plan. In this context, learned President’s Counselinvited the attention of court to the following dictum ofGunasekara, J. (with Gratiaen, J. concurring) in Kobbekaduwav. Seneviratne,{30) at page 359:
“ The mere fact that one co-owner was in
occupation of the entirety of a house which is owned incommon and purported to execute deeds in respect ofthe entirety for a period of over ten years does not lead tothe presumption of an ouster in the absence of evidenceto show, that the other co-owners had knowledge of thetransactions.”
In my opinion, while the question whether Haramanisand his heirs were aware of the partition effected by PlanNo. 1868 (3D1) is most material, an important considerationthat might affect the rights of the co-owners to the land iswhether they acquiesced in the division effected thereby fora period of more than 10 years after it was implemented. AsM. D. H. Fernando, J. in Gunasekera v. Tissera and Others(supra) observed at 258 –
“If the division is not by all the co-owners, but is based ona plan prepared by one co-owner without the knowledgeof the other co-owners, his possession of dividedallotment is not adverse (Ithohamy v. Karanagoda,{3i])but prescriptive title can be acquired by virtue ofpossession for such a period and in such circumstancesthat the counter presumption applies”
It appears from the evidence led by the parties thatHaramanis and Jeeris owned two lands in common, namely,Porikehena, the corpus sought to be partitioned in theaction which led to this appeal, and Kirigaldeniya which was
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situated about half a mile away from Porikehena. The versionof the Respondent’ that there existed an arrangement betweenHaramanis and Jeeris for the former to hold Kirigaldeniyaand the latter to possess Porikehena exclusively, if accepted,would explain the logic behind the amicable partition allegedto have been effected in 1940 through Plan No. 1868 (3D1)whereby Porikehena along with Indiketiya and MahakeleMukalana owned by Jeeris were put together and dividedamongst his heirs. It is clear from the evidence led by bothparties, that in 1940 when Porikehena was amalgamated withthe said two adjacent lands and divided into 5 distinct lots, asignificant de facto change in the manner of possession of theland occurred. Following the division effected in 1940, wirefences had been erected and constructions were made on thesaid lands (as depicted in Preliminary Plan No. 255) by thenew holders, which was also admitted in her testimony by theAppellant Sopinona, who stated that the two houses on theland were occupied by Menchinona, the widow of Obias, andComelis, both grandsons of Jeeris. Furthermore, the Appellant’smother-in-law, Sethuhamy, directly participated in thedivision effected by Plan No. 1868 (3D1) in 1940 and conveyed,by Deed No. 1845 (3D3) executed on 23rd February 1950, theentirety of lot D of the said Plan No. 1868 (3D1) to Remanis,the deceased husband of the Appellant.
This court cannot also ignore the fact that the testimony ofCarolis, who is the only descendant of Haramanis to testify inthis case, goes more to establish the case of the Respondent.He stated in evidence that he lived in part of Kirigaldeniya,and that he used to go to Porikehena and “Charley Mama”,who was one of Jeeris’ sons and who was in occupation of theland picked coconuts and breadfruit and gave them to him aswell as to other members of his family, acknowledging theirrights as co-owners of Porikehena. It is noted that Carolis
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Although the point of time at which Carolis collected suchproduce from Porikehena was not elicited by Counsel for theAppellant, he has given a clue about the approximate date inhis answers to questions put to him in cross-examination:
It is relevant to note that at the time when Corolis testifiedin 1997 he was 72 years old, which means that he was bomin 1925, and he would have been 15 years old in 1940, theyear in which the amicable partition was effected by PlanNo. 1868 (3D1). This gives credence to the testimony ofComelis, the sole witness for the Respondents at the secondtrial, who testified that he was in possession of lot “E’ of 3D1but he did not know Carolis and that he never exercised anyrights of co-ownership over Porikehena.
It is possible to reconcile the apparent conflict in thetestimony of Carolis and Comelis on the basis of the period
stated in evidence that he went to Porikehena with his grand-
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of time during which rights of co-ownership were allegedlyexercised by the heirs of Haramanis including Corolis. Theonly conclusion that one can reasonably arrive on the basisof the testimony of these witnesses is that none of the heirsof Haramanis excercised any rights over Porikehena afterthe amalgamation of that land with two other lands and theamicable partition effected by Plan No. 1868 (3D1) in 1940.In fact, the totality of the evidence point to the fact that nonehad contested the separate possession established in 1940,and all respected the separation effected in 1940 and enteredinto various subsequent transactions on that basis.
It is important to note that the only other witness for theAppellant was Sopinona herself, who admitted in her testimonythat she knew nothing herself about the manner in whichJeeris and Haramanis exercised rights over Porikehena, nordid she know personally about the amicable partition allegedto have been effected in 1940 through Plan No. 1868 (3D1).In fact, in the course of her testimony she admitted in crossexamination that after 1940, the parties to the said Plan hadabided by the division made thereunder. She answered a vitalquestion as follows:
In the context of all this evidence, the conclusion isirresistible that land named Porikehena which was referredin the scheduled to the plaint lost its separate identity byreason of the amalgamation and partition effected by PlanNo. 1868 (PI) in 1940. It also transformed the character ofthe possession of Jeeris’s heirs from one consistent with
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co-ownership into what we may call “adverse” possession,which is essential for the acquisition of prescriptive title.By 1950, such possession had crystallized into ownership,which made it lawful for Sethuhamy to covey lot D of 3D1to Remanis by Deed No. 1845 (3D3) in 1950. Further-more, it is important to note that the heirs of Jeeris andHaramanis, who live not too far apart mainly in Porikehenaand Kirigaldeniya respectively, have refrained from assertingrights of co-ownership in relation to the land held by theother, be it Porikehena or Kirigaldeniya, for a long time untilcoaxed into action by Remanis, who in 1967, perhaps as aprelude to the institution of this partition action, purportedto buy from certain heirs of Haramanis rights in Porikehenaunder Deed No. 1874 (P2) in October 1967. It has to beobserved that these heirs of Haramanis had themselvesacquiesced in the division that had been effected by PlanNo. 1868 (PI) in 1940, and the said division has remainedsubstantially the same changing hands from parent to childor vendor to vendee for a period in excess of five decadesat the point of time Sopinona, Carolis and Comelis gaveevidence at the second trial in 1996 and 1997.
There are two major difficulties that arise in the standtaken by the Appellant in this case. The first is that the claimsof the Appellant for a share of Porikehena under a purchasefrom the heirs of Haramanis effected by Deed No. 1874 dated28th October 1967, and a further share of Porikehena underthe birth right of her deceased husband Remanis, as an heirof Jeeris, are mutually inconsistent. The contradiction arisingfrom the juxtaposition of these two claims is that in order toassert a “birth right” to the co-ownership of Porikehena as anheir of Jeeris, she has to disassociate herself from Plan No.1868 (3D1), which she can ill afford to do as the ownership
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to the divided lot D of the said Plan sought to be conveyedby Deed No. 1845 (3D3) is expressed in the deed itself to bebased on the said amicable partition effected in 1940 andprescription.
Secondly, the Appellant has an even more seriousproblem in regard to the total extent of land that was tak-en to constitute the corpus sought to be partitioned in theimpugned judgment of the District Court. The Appellant hasfailed to explain to this Court the basis on which Porikehe-na, which according to the plaint, and the evidence led inthe case, consisted of 3 roods and 11 perches as stated inCrown Grant No. 30258 (PI) increased in size and extent toI acre and 16.85 perches as shown in the Preliminary PlanNo. 255. The problem here is that there is no evidence of anypaper title that establishes co-ownership between Jeeris andHaramanis to the extent beyond 3 roods and 11.9 perchescovered by the Crown Grant.
In my view, the Learned District Judge has consideredthe relations between Jeeris and Haramanis as co-ownersof the land they acquired through the Crown Grant of 1895(PI) but her examination of the material relating to theamalgamation and amicable partition effected in 1940and subsequent dealings and transactions that took placethereafter is lacking in depth. I am of the opinion that theevidence relating to the enjoyment and use of the propertyby the heirs of Jeeris and Haramanis over a period of at least29 years leading up to the institution of the action in 1969 hasnot been adequately examined and analyzed by the learnedDistrict Judge. Accordingly, I answer question (a) on whichspecial leave was granted in the negative, and hold that theoriginal court has not conducted a sufficient investigation oftitle as required by law.
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Duty to Answer All Issues
It is now necessary to turn to the other two questionson which leave to appeal has been granted by this Court.Question (b) arising on this appeal is whether all issues needbe answered by the District Judge when the answer to oneissue alone sufficiently determines the title of the parties tothe land both on deeds and on prescription. It is quite obviousthat the duty of formulating issues is a responsibility ofCourt, and it is the duty of court to answer all issuesarising in the case. As Lord Devlin observed in Bank ofCeylon v. Chelliah Pillai1321 at 27, “a case must be tried uponthe issues on which the right decision of the case appears tothe court to depend and it is well settled that the framing ofsuch issues is not restricted by the pleadings. .. .” In Peiris v.Municipal Council, Galle[33) at 556, Justice Tambiah remarkedthat even where the plaintiff fails to raise a relevant issue, itis the duty of the judge to raise the necessary issues for a justdecision of the case. A fortiori, it follows that it is the duty ofthe judge to answer at the end of the trial all the issues raisedin the case.
The only exception to this cardinal principle is foundin Section 147 of the Civil Procedure Code wherein courtshave been vested with a degree of discretion, where it is ofthe opinion that a particular matter may be decided on theissues of law alone, to try the issues of law first. In Mohinudeenand Another v. Lanka Bankuwa, York Sheeet, Colombo 01 (34)at 299 Hector Yapa, J., cited with approval the following dictaof Wijeyaratna, J. in Muthukrishna v. Gomes and Others (35)at 8:
“Judges of original courts should, as far as practicable,go through the entire trial and answer all the issues
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unless they are certain that a pure question of law without theleading of evidence (apart from formal evidence) can disposeof the case.” (Emphasis added)
Making a further exception which will enable judges toavoid answering one or more of issues of fact – such as issues
to (9) in this case – on the basis that the answer to one ofthem will effectively dispose of all questions regarding whichthe parties are at variance, might be somewhat imprudentas they could lead to disastrous results. In fact, a carefulexamination of the issues formulated at the commencementof trial in this case shows that there was no way in whichthe court could have avoided answering all the issues raisedat the commencement of the trial, and it is ironic that thelearned trial Judge had gone through the entire trial but hadchosen not to answer only issue (1). Indeed, if the learnedJudge had focused even for a moment on the other 13 issues,she may have answered issue (1) differently.
The final question [question (c)] on which leave to appealwas granted in this case, is whether, if the answer to a singleissue is in effect a complete answer to all the issues arisingfor determination in this action, whether it is necessaryand incumbent on the District Judge to give specific answersto the other issues. In this context, it is relevant to notethat in terms of Section 187 of the Civil Procedure Code, ajudgement should contain a concise statement of the case,the points for determination, the decision thereon, and thereasons for such decision. As was observed by court inWamakula v. Ramani Jayawardena (supra) at 208, “bareanswers to issues without reasons are not in compliancewith the requirements of Section 187 of the Civil ProcedureCode.” The judge must evaluate and consider the totalityof the evidence, giving a short summary of the evidence of the
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parties and witnesses and stating the reasons for hispreference to accept the evidence of one party as opposed tothat of the other. The learned District Judge in this case hastotally failed to discharge this duty by failing to even attemptanswering all of the very material issues raised on behalf of theRespondents, and has also failed to explain why, in her view,it was not necessary to answer the other very importantissues.
I have no difficulty in answering questions (b) and (c) inthe negative and in favour of the Respondents.
In the context of all these facts, I conclude that thelearned District Judge has not only failed to carefully examinequestions relating to the identity of the corpus and theadequacy of the lis pendens registered in the case, but alsofailed to properly investigate title and in particular examinethe issues relating to prescription with- the intensity thatis expected in a partition case. Although for these reasons,I agree with the decision of the Court of Appeal that thejudgment of the District Court cannot stand and shouldbe set aside, I have also given anxious consideration to thequestion whether this case should be sent back to theDistrict Court for trial de novo.
I have carefully considered the evidence led at the secondtrial before the District Court, and am of the opinion thaton this evidence, it is clear that the possession of Jeeris’sheirs became adverse to Haramanis’s heirs after an amicablepartition was effected through Plan No. 1868 (3D1) in 1940,and the persons to whom lots ‘A’ and “E’ of the said Plan wereallocated, and their successors in title, had possessed the
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[2010] 1 SRI LR.
said lots exclusively up to the time of institution of action in1969 by Remanis. It is manifest that Porikehena, the landsought to be partitioned in this action and is described inthe schedule to the plaint, which coincides with the said lotsA’ and *E’, had lost the character of co-owned property longbefore Remanis instituted the partition action from whichthis appeal arises, more than 40 years ago. Accordingly, Iam of the firm opinion that the learned District Judge shouldhave dismissed the action on the basis that the corpus soughtto be partitioned was not co-owned property.
I am also firmly of the opinion that, in any event, nouseful purpose would be served by sending this case back tothe original court for trial de novo, as directed by the Court ofAppeal. This would constitute a third trial of this case morethan four decades since the matter was first brought beforethe District Court. This fact in itself raises serious doubtsregarding the possibility of securing witnesses with first handknowledge of the material facts, considering the time whichhas already elapsed and the further time such fresh trialwould take to make its way through the courts yet again.I note that Sopinona, Carolis and Comelis, the witnessespresented before the courts in the second trial before theDistrict Court of Homagama, would by now be more than 80years old if they are living, and their descendants may notknow about the facts of this case even to the extent Sopinona,Carolis and Comelis knew.
Considering therefore all the circumstances of this case,and in particular, the uncertainty regarding the identity of thecorpus, the failure to register fis pendens for the larger landof 1 acre and 16.85 perches, the weakness in the case of theAppellant as presented at the trial, the difficulty of fundingwitnesses who can testify at a fresh trial, and the evidence
Sopinona vs. Pitipcmaarachchi And two others
(Saleem Marsoof J)
led at the trial which show that the land sought to bepartitioned was not co-owned property, I am of the opinionthat it is appropriate to make order setting aside the judge-ment of the Court of Appeal dated 22nd November 2002 as wellas the judgement of the District Court dated 4th September1998, and substitute therefore an order that the action filed inthe District Court by the substituted Appellant should standdismissed. I do not make any order for. costs in all thecircumstances of this case.
Judgment of the Court of Appeal and District Court set aside.Appeal dismissed
By majority decision trial de Novo stands.
Appeal dismissed