C. A. 63-64/2001
HIGH COURT NEGOMBO No. 61/95JULY 19,2004AUGUST 5, 2005SEPTEMBER 24, 2004OCTOBER 19, 2004
Penal Code – Sections 32, 296 – Murder – Conviction – Evidence Ordinance -Section 134 – Proof of any fact? – Numberf of witnesses required?- Evidence ofa child admissibility? – Criminal Procedure Code Section 203, 279, 283 (1),283(5), 436 – Applicable section? – Old Criminal Procedure Code – Sections304, 425 – Compared.
The 2nd and 3rd accused appellants along with the 1st accused (since dead)were indicted for committing murders of five persons and after trial they weresentenced to death.
It was contended that (1) the High Court Judge has failed to assess the credibilityof the only eye witness who was only 12 years old at that time (2) the High CourtJudge has failed to evaluate and consider evidence of the 2nd accusedappellant (3) that High Court Judge failed to comply with the provisions ofsection 279, 283 (1) and 283 the code of Criminal Procedure.
The Court had carefully analyzed and evaluated and weighed the evidenceof the 12 year old eye witness and was convinced that he had given cogentand truthful testimony in court, also by observing the demeanour anddeportment of this witness. No particular number of witnesses shall inany case be required for proof-of any fact. Evidence must not be countedbut weighed.
The evidence of the 12 year old witness was trustworthy and credible.
The judgment in every trial under the Code should be pronounced in opencourt immediately after the verdict is recorded or save as provided in section203 and at some subsequent time of which due notice shall be given to theparties/pleaders.
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Section 203 deals with trial by Judges of the High Court without a Jury.
On an examination of section 283 (1) and 283 (5) it appears that these twoprovisions are mandatroy for Primary Court Procedure – S. 279 and S. 283will apply to every Primary Court Judgment.
Section 279 and 436 of the present Code could be construed and equatedto section 304 and section 425 of the old Code.
In the circumstances the relevant section which should be complied withis section 203 of the Code, the High Court Judge had correctly compliedwith the section.
Upon the facts and circumstances in the instant case, even if there hadbeen an irregularity, such irregularity is not fatal to the conviction and iscured by section 436 and it has also not caused any prejudice to theaccused appellants.
APPEAL from the judgment of the High Court of Negombo.
Cases referred to :
Palaniyandi vs. State, 76 NLR 145
FatusontaI Vs Emperor 1921 22 Cr. LJ 417
Walimunige John vs. State, 76 NLR 488
Sumanasena vs. Attorney General (1999) 3 Sri LR 137
K vs. Davodulebbe, 50 NLR 274
Ranjith Abeysuriya, P. C., with Thanuja Rodrigo for 1st accued appellant.
Dr. Ranjit Fernando with H. Kularatne for 2nd accused appellant.
Sarath Jayamanne, Senior State Counsel for the Attorney – General
Cur. adv. vult.
13 December 2004,
The 2nd and 3rd accused appellants along with the 1 st accused (Sincedead) were indicted for committing murders of five persons (as perindictment) under section 296 read with section 32 of the Penal Code, andwere sentenced to death by the High Court Judge of Negombo after trialon 01.06. 2001.
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The following facts were established at the trial by the prosecution:-The deceased No. 1 Somapala, the Deceased No.2 Nandawathie (Wife ofSomapala) the deceased No.3 Nadeeka Shiromi (daughter of 1 st and 2nddeceased), the deceased No. 4 Anil Jayasinhe, the deceased No. 5Chandra (wife of 4th deceased) were killed on 3rd September 1987. The1 st 2nd and 3rd deceased were living in the same house; the 4th and 5thwere running a boutique in the close vicinity, and used to stay at theresidence of the 1st 2nd and 3rd deceased. The 4th ceceased Anil was adisabled person having a difficulty in walking. The only eye – witness to theincident had been 12 year old Nadeera Somananda son of the 1 st and2nd deceased, (Somapala and Nandawathie), and the brother of the 3rddeceased Shiromi.
The 2nd and 3rd accused appellants are brothers and were living veryclose to the residence of the 1 st, 2nd and 3rd deceased. The 1 st accusedwas an uncle of the 2nd and 3rd accused appellants who died before thecommencement of the trial.
At the trial the only eye witness to the incident Nadeera Somananda(24 years at the time of giving evidence and 12 years old at the time of theincident), in giving evidence had stated that, on the previous day of theincident he with his sister Shiromi (3rd deceased, 10 years old) afterschool went for a tuition class by bicycle held in a house in the village,while they were in the tuition class their mother and father (1 st ande 2nddeceased) had come and informed them not to return home as there hadbeen some trouble to their neighbour Anil (4th deceased), thus they hadspent the night at the tuition – house, and had returned home next dayearly morning around 5.30 a. m. by bicycle. When he was relaxing on thebed at home around 6.00 a. m. he had heard some stones being peltedat the house; had walked towards the kitchen and seen his father (1stdeceased) walking out from the kitchen – door carrying a pointed weapon{'©•s£©o0') and his mother 2nd deceased) was standing near the kitchendoor. At that stage the 1st accused (now dead) who was in the gardennear the Thambili tree had fired a shot from a pistol, then his father the(1 st deceased) ran back home and fell on the floor in the room near thekitchen, wheras his mother (2nd deased) followed the father and fell onthe floor near the place where his father fell. The witness due to fear hidhimself under the table which was placed near the wall close to a bed in
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Immediately thereafter, the witness had gone to the Co – operative storeswhere his mother (2nd deceased) had been employed left the bicycle inthe Co-operative stores and gone to his aunt’s place (Mother’s sister’splace) in Seeduwa and immediately narrated the whole incident to hisaunt Premawathie.
Later, Premawathie and the said witness had first gone to SeeduwaPolice, and on the direction of Seeduwa Police they had gone to DivulapitiyaPolice to lodge the complaint, (as the incident had taken place inDivulapitiya Police area)
In addition to the eye witness Nadeera Somananda, the evidence of thewitness Premawathie, the medical evidence and the evidence of the Policeofficers, had been led by the Prosecution.
The 2nd accused appellant in giving evidence had stated that on theday of the incident he with his brother the 3rd accused appellant, went to
2nd accused appellant had cut her to death. The witness had stated thathe felt accused were looking out for him, as they failed to track him, theyleft the house from the rear – door.
the adjoining room of the hall. Chandra (the 5th deceased) also came andhid herself under the same table, Anil (the 4th deceased) hid himselfunder the bed. The witness had seen the three accused entering thehouse after breaking the kitchen door. The 1 st accused was armed with a
and the 3rd accused appellant was armed with a gun. The 1st accusedhaving seen the father who was fallen on the floor and screaming had toldthe 2nd accused appellant to cut him as he was not dead, then the 2ndaccused appelllant had cut both father and mother to death. On seeingChandra who was hinding under the table she was dragged out and cut todeath by the 2nd accused appellant. The 1st accused had seen Anil the4th deceased who was hiding under the bed had said that he likes to seethe face of Anil and shifted the bed, then the 3rd accused appellant hadshot Anil at close range with his gun. The witness had heard his sisterShiromi (10 year old) pleading "not to kill her and she would do anything
despite her appeal the 1st accused had told “if she was left, she would
then the
give evidence, kill her”
she was asked to do”
pistol, the 2nd accused appellant was armed with manna knife
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work early in the morning to their Brick Clink about one and a half milesaway from their home, when they were informed that the Police wassearching for theum they stopped the work and went to their Aunt’s place.Later, they surrendered to the Police. In cross examination he had admittedthat it takes only 10 to 15 minutes to go to the Brick Clink from home, Inaddition to the alibi, he had denied any involvement in the incident andthey were not aware of the deaths of these five deceased though theywere neighbours.
At the hearing of the Appeal the counsel for the accused appellantsassaled the Judgment on the following grounds:-
The Learned High Court Judge had failed to assess the credibilityof the only eye – witness Nadeera Somananda
The Learned High Court Judge had failed to evaluate and considerthe evidence of the 2nd accused appellant.
Failure of the High Court Judge to comply with the provisions ofsection 279, 283 (1) and 283 (5) of the Criminal Procedure Code,have deprived the accused – appellants of a fair trial.
The evidence of the eye – witness Nadeera Somananda revealed thathe had come home with his sister Shiromi from the tuition house around5.30 a. m. in the morning on the day of the incident. The dead body ofShiromi was found inside the house with cut injuries, established that theversion of the witness that he came home with his sister Shiromi. Therewas no doubt as to the identity of the assailants as the incident hadoccurred around 6 a. m. According to the witness there was enough lightto identify the assailants, and the witness knew the accused – appellantswell as they are neighbours. The State Counsel contended the fact thatthere was enough light inside the house had been established as theassailants, had directly attacked all the deceased without any support ofartificial illumination. Soon after the incident the witness had gone to hisaunt’s place (mother’s sister) and immediately narrated the whole incident,which had been corroborated by Premawathie (Aunt of the witness). Thelearned Hight Court Judge had observed and commented on the spontaneityof the witness. The medical evidence of the Doctor who conducted thepost – modems of the five deceased had corroboratd the evidence of theeye – witness Nadeera as to the injuries found on the dead bodies, (cutinjuries and gun – shot injuries) The Police officer who investigated hadcorroborated the evidence of the eye witness Nadeera as to the positions
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of the five dead bodies found inside the house, and recovery of emptycartridges outside the house and inside. On a perusal of the judgement itis obviously clear that the Learned High Court Judge had evaluated theevidence with reference to spontaneity, consistency, probability anddemeanour of the eye – witness.
The Counsel for the accused – appellants strongly contended that it isimpossible to belive the witness Nadeera, who had been hinding underthe table, where the 5th deceased Chandra also took shelter under thesame table was dragged out by the 2nd accused – appellant and cut todeath, the said table was 1 1/2 ft long and 2 ft wide which could give littlecover to two people, as such the version of the eye witness was improbable,as to how the witness escaped from seeing by the assailants.
The State Counsel contended that, the eye – witness Nadeera in hisevidence had shown the size of the table was similar to the table that wasthere inside Court, which was 3 ft long and 2 1/2 ft wide (as observed byCourt). The Police officer in answering a question had stated the tablewas 1 1/2 ft long and 2 ft wide may be a typing error, further he contendedthere the defence counsel had not even suggested to the eye – witness orto the Police Officer whether there was enough space for two people tohide under it. His contention also was the 5th deceased Chandra cameand hid under the same table as there was enough space to hide her-self under it, and the table was placed inside the room near the wallclose to the bed, so that a small boy of 12 years old (the witness) couldhave hid himself without being seen by the assailants.
The Section 134 of the Evidence Ordinance sets out that “no particularnumber of witnesses shall in any case be required for proof of any fact". InPlaniyandi Vs Sfafe(1) Alles J had quoted the observation made inFatusantal Vs Emperor(2) the Patna High Court held that “The mere factthat the evidence of the only eye – witness of a crime is that of a child of6 years of age, is not a ground for not relying upon it, especially whenthe evidence is given without hesitation and without the slightest suggestionof tutoring or anyting of that sort, and there is corroboration of the evidencein so far as narrates the actual facts, and of the child’s subsequent conductimmediately afterwards.”
In Walimunige John Vs State<3) G. P. A. de Silva (S. P. J) observed that
no particular number of witnesses shall be required for the proof of any
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fact. The adequacy of one witness to prove a fact in terms of the section134 of the Evidence Ordinance will hold good in a case where only onewitness is available to the party desiring to establish a fact, and whereonly one witness is called even though others are also avilable." In theinstant case the only eye witness available for the prosecution to provethe case was the witness nadeera Somananda 12 years old son of the1st and 2nd deceased. The offence had been committed not in a publicplace within the sight of many. Sothat, his testimony should be truthfuland trustworthy. The learned trial Judge could act on the evidence of thissolitary witness Nadeera Somananda provided the trial Judge was convincedas regard to his testamoniai trustworthiness and credibility.
in the case of Sumanasena Vs Attorney General(4) it was held “ Evidencemust not be counted but weighed and the evidence of a single solitarywitness if cogent and impressive could be acted upon by a Court of Law."
It is appearent that the learned High Court Judge had carefully analyzed,evaluated and weighed the evidence of the eye witness NadeeraSomananda, and was convinced that the eye-witness had given cogent,and'truthful testimony in Court, also by observing the demeanour anddeportment of this witness who was subjected to very long and protractedcross – examination, had arrived at findings in regard to credibility andtrustworthiness of the testimony of this witness, in view of thosecircumstances he had belived the evidence given by the witness withoutany hesitation or doubt, (at page 513, 526, 527 and 535 of the Brief)
On a perusal of the evidence, we are also of the opinion that the evidencegiven by only eye – witness Nadeera Somananda was trustworthy andcredible.
It appears that the learned High Court Judge was of the view that as theprosecution had established a strong case with incriminating and cogentevidence against the Accused – appellants, in the circumstances theevidence of the 2nd accused – appellant (the alibi and the denial of anyinvolvement in the incident) had failed to create any reasonable doubt onthe prosecution version.
Having considered all the evidence led in the case we are also of theview that the learned Hight Court Judge had come to a correct conclusionthat the prosecution had proved the case against both accused appellantsbeyond reasonable doubt, and the evidence given by the 2nd accusedappellant had failed to raise any reasonable doubt or even a suspicion on
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the prosecution case, and no reliance could be placed on the evidence ofthe 2nd accused appellant.
In regard to the third ground alleged, that the learned Might Court Judgehad failed to comply with section 279, 283 (1) and 283 (5) of the CriminalProcedure Code>
(1) Section 279 of the Criminal Procedure Code states as follows:-
The Judgment in every trial under this Code shall be pronounced inopen Court immediately after the verdict is recorded or save as providedin section 203 at some subsequent time of which due notice shall begiven to the parties or their pleaders, and the accused shall if in custodybe brought up or if not in custody shall be required to attend to hearjudgment delivered except when his personal attendance during the trialhas been dispensed with and the sentenced is one of fine only or whenhe has been absent at the trial.
Section 203 of the Criminal Procedure Code, (which deals with the trialby Judge of the High Court without jury) states as follows:- “When thecases for the prosecution and defence are concluded, the Judge shallforthwith or within ten days of the conclusion of the trial record a verdict ofacquittal or conviction giving his reasons therefore and if the verdict isone of conviction pass sentence on the accused according to law."
Thus I am of the opinion that the relevant section which should becomplied with, by the Judge of the High Court is section 203 of the CriminalProcedure Code. And it appears that the Learned High Court Judge hadcorrectly complied with the Section.
On examination of the provisions of the Section 283 (1) and 283 (5) itappears that these two provisions are mandatory for Primary Courtprocedure.
(Foot note under Provisions of Section 283 indicate that "Section 279and 283 shall apply to every Judgment of a Primary Court”)
In the case of King Vs Davodulebbe{5) – the accused – appllants hadurged that, the failure of the Judge to observe the provisions of section 304of the Criminal Procedure Code amounted to an irregularity which couldnot be cured. Wijewardena, CJ held that “ failure to comply with section304 is an irregularity curable under section 425 of the Criminal ProcedureCode.”
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Section 304 and section 425 of our Old Criminal Procedure Code couldbe construed and equated to the sections 279 and 436 respectively of thepresent Criminal Procedure Code (Chapter 26).
Thus, I am of the opinion that upon the facts and circumstances in theinstant case, even if there had been an irregularity, such irregularity is notfatal to the conviction, and is cured by section 436 of the Criminal ProcedureCode also it had not caused any prejudice to the accused – appellants.
Futher, on a persual of the proceedings at the trial it is apparent thatthe Learned High Court Judge on 01. 06. 2001 after conclusion of thesubmissions of both counsel, had commenced to deliver the Judgementaround 3.20 p.m. in Court, intially he had dealt with the ingredientsnecessary for the charge of muder, common intention, presumption ofinnocence of the accused, burden of proof by the prosecution, proof beyondreasonable doubt, benefit of the doubt, and the evidence available toestablish the above mentioned legal principles with reference to theevidence of the witness Nadeera Somananda and other evidence led inthe case, thereafter he had proceeded to convict the 2nd and 3rd accusedapplleants the charges mentioned in the indictment, and the allocutuswere recorded. The Learned High Court Judge had mentiond in the judgmentas it would take about six hours to evaluate all the evidence giving reasonsfor conviction, he had continued to dictate the Judgement to thestenographer in chambers, and passed the death sentence on both accusedappellant on the same day in Court fas reflected in the case record).
Thus, the argument of the counsel that it was practically impossible todeliver page type written Judgment on the same day, do not hold water,as the normal practice in the Hight Court is to dictate the Judgement tothe stenographer, and if convicted pass the sentence, typing of the Judgmentis done by the stenographer thereafter.
Having considered all the grounds of appeal urged by the accusedappellants, I find no reason whatever to set aside the conviction.
For the reasons aforesaid, I uphold the conviction and sentences passedon the accused – appellants. The appeal is dismissed.
Immam, J. – I agree.appeal dismissed.